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Already left a review but wanted to write a public comment alongside it to recommend it to anyone who might be on the fence about the game and looking in the comments to see how others feel about it. It's a surprisingly unsettling time with a lot of care put into it and is a fairly short but sweet ride, taking me about 4hrs to get all endings.

Thank you for the review and the comment! I'm glad the game was able to surprise and entertain you!

Take it.

Your let's play videos were really funny! I'm glad you're enjoying the game!

just got your game like an hour ago, and HOLY SHIT! 

i havent yet finished it but from what ive seen so far it is one of the best horror games i have ever had the pleasure of playing! it is genuinely unsettling to the point i have had to take a break and play more tomorrow. this cat is one of the most horrifying horror game antagonists i have EVER ENCOUNTERED! with the way that the more you play the more the game becomes even more self aware is just immaculate! 

15/10 you have completely outdone yourself!

Thank you! I really appreciate that! I hope you enjoy the rest of the game!

Deleted post

Thank you so much! That's really kind of you to say. 

I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

I sat down with my friend and despite the estimated 3-4 hour gameplay, we spent 7 hours on it, getting all 40 endings in one sitting and the best part is, it only felt like 3-4 hours.

We liked the art style, it was super cute (yet terrifying when it needed to be) and with us both being cat owners it really captured the experience of owning a cat (and it plotting against me..). The writing was great, I won't spoil too much but some of those endings made me squeamish (particularly having to do with food). 

If we had anything we want to point out it would be the grammar and spelling mistakes we found here and there. Outside of that, it was a 10/10!🎉

Thank you for making the game, would love to see what else you have in store!
(You should like totally put this on Steam 💅 I mean, I'd buy it)


Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you and your girlfriend enjoyed the game since I did make it with cat owners in mind. I have a cousin with two cats that she loves like her children. She was side-eyeing me real hard when I pitched this game to her! I did want to show non-cat parents what it's like being owned by a cat, though I definitely exaggerated a bit. Just a bit, though.

Thanks again!

i made an account just to comment because i found this game at like 1 am and stayed up til 6 am playing this and it changed my brain chemistry


In a good way, I hope! Thank you so much for giving the game a try!

(1 edit) (+1)

I really really loved the game it was awesome but I have a question how do I get the last 4 endings I have 36 out of 40 endings and I have no clue how to get the last 4 I did click at the 3 dots after finishing the game and basically redid everything am I missing something ? should I have given up in the middle of the chase scene 



That's strange, there's no way to beat the game without getting 39 out of 40 endings (Ending 37 isn't necessary to beat the game).

Getting 36 out of 40 endings should lead you to where you choose to take the cat home or not. If you choose, 'Do not take the cat home', the 'You are ready' option should now be available. Once you get Ending 36 (Endings are unaligned since the first ending you get is Ending 0), you'll be locked into the endgame endings. You can only see Endings 38 and 39 in the Endings Menu list after the credits roll.

If you're still having trouble, let me know! You can also check the guide for help!

I loved this, however I really did not like how many endings it took to get to the main final end. While all the endings are different, it all leads to the same outcome, which I assume to be death, or maybe it just loops after that I am not sure but it got a little tedious. And I was not sure how it connected to the true end. Great game, I just thought the ending amount could be toned down a bit.


Thank you! And yeah, I definitely got a bit carried away with the endings; I want to try to make any multiple endings I might write for a game more thematic to the story next time.

it was beautifully made! just downloaded it today and finally finished it, loved it very much! I love the graphics and your design.  it was very cute, interesting, and deep. the illustration was wonderful!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked the game!


intriguing, beautiful, disgusting, deep, bloodthirsty, traumatizing, cute, terrifying, shocking, among dozens of other adjectives and emotions that this experience will give you

few mentioned this, but I wanted to highlight more than the art, the soundtrack of this visual novel, all perfectly fitted into each situation with mastery,

a lot of effort and dedication to this work, i love it


Thank you so much! This was my first time making a soundtrack like this, so I really appreciate it!

i cant wait to see the other endings

I hope you enjoy the game!

This game is amazing ! Happy happy

Thank you so much!

My last part of the playthrough, the last 16 endings, including the endgame endings! the ending was seriously the best thing ever and so unexpected i choked up a bit


I really enjoyed your playthrough and your reactions to all the different endings! It was fun and relaxing and I'm glad that the true ending had an impact. Thank you for playing to the end!

thank you so much for making this gem! I was curious if there was a way to get in touch with you privately? i had a couple questions i wanted to run by you if thats okay?

I'm not on any social media other than TikTok and YouTube right now and I'm not sure if they have private messaging available. I'll try setting up a Twitter account and let you know when.


Okay, I've added the link to my twitter account on the profile!

(2 edits)

I love how fun and cute the game is, especially the kittens in this game

and I liked it so much, I wish I had IT as my real life cat (: anyways great job making this game 👍

Also, I wonder if there is a secret ending or easter egg I have missed, if there is that would be cool


Thanks so much, I'm glad you had fun! 

I think the easiest place to miss a few extra bits of dialogue is the dog park, since it only has one ending. They don't effect the endings or the end of the game, but you'd see something interesting if you let the timers run out on the two choices~ It's just a bit of extra fun though!

5/5 grate game!

took me a couple hours but i got all the endings, and enjoyed my time to!

thank you for making this game and keep it up 


Thanks so much!

(1 edit)

4.5/5. restarting the game to get a new ending was tedious, but it had a very good storyline. Would recommend!

Thanks for the feedback! Next time I'll think more about how to limit that sort of thing unless it connects to the story in a deeper way.

Alright. Thanks. I would've played for longer then 45 minutes, but I really disliked clicking rapidly to resume where I was.

Why is this game so good, and so much content as well. Its been two days and I'm still missing ending 31.

Thank you, I appreciate you giving the game a try!

(1 edit)

This game was very good and had a lot fun playing the game

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Part 3 is up! its roughly half of the leave the cat endings

Part 2 of my playthrough, this one has all the "do things with cat" endings!

Took me 3, almost 4 hours to play this...and got all 41 endings. 5/5 and boy was it insane.

Thanks for sticking through to the end! Glad you enjoyed it!

It's a good game but I wish the game had a better warning about how self-harming was a major plot point for one of the endings, as i didn't realize that was in the game till i got to said ending.

i don't remember something like that

which number was the ending


Sorry! It's in the full list of content warnings in the game menu and downloadable .txt file. There was just so many other warnings it was hard to decide which ones to put in the shorter warning that you see whenever you open the game. Sorry again, I hope it didn't distress you too badly.

This game is Great! The story telling and the Characters are so incredible! It's so cool that there are a lot of choices to make, different consequences and it is interesting to look all of them, especially the mini games that make You even more interested in the story.


i actually cried in the end, seeing how IT disappears and how Main Character goes on in life was truly saddening but at the same time gave a hope for bright future. Although, i can't say that i'm a bit sad that the cat in the end wasn't IT, like, as if IT would lose it's power or be reborn into a regular Cat, so that IT won't remember anything and will have a happy life with Main Character, but these are just my thoughts. 

The game is absolutely Incredible,  thank You for making it. 10/10


I'm glad you enjoyed the game! Thanks so much for playing!

Really cute story

Thank you very much!

WTF i read the content warning, i though it was the history of abounded cat but while i was reading it it sounded like the worst nightmare known to mankind i will play it in the morning becaouse i am honestly i am scared (my cat enterd my room while i was writing, he scared the shit out of me)

Maybe he could tell you were scared and wanted to comfort you! (Or prank you maybe, cats do whatever they want don't they, haha!) I hope you enjoy the game!

nevermind, i played it and it was not scary at all, but design and story is good

I did the "do stuff alone" path for this video. as someone who found their cat outside this game really stuck out to me and was a ton of fun with all the different possibilities. I really really loved this alot and cant wait to finish it!

Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the game and its story!

is it okay if i post the other parts here as i finish them? i dont wanna flood your comment sections with videos from me, but i know alot of people watch the lets plays from comments

Of course, go ahead!

awesome! thank you!

(1 edit)

The game is awesome! love both storyline and the art
Its worth to spend time playthrough all the ending

Thank you! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the game!

(3 edits)

hold on i have a question i don't see anyone else asking

(spoilers for red light green light thing . . and the near end of the game)

what was the restoreBACKUP.exe thing and the errors about, did IT throw you into a simulation, is it a 4th wall break, are they just messing with you again

i'm asking the same thing for endDream.exe which interestingly the victims ran and not IT



IT was hinting to the protagonist that what they were experiencing wasn't real. While ITs having fun messing with you, IT also wants you to wake up so IT can properly absorb you. The more you continue to daydream though, the more fun IT has, the more IT desires you -- IT kind of also gets stuck in a loop there!

When the victims use endDream.exe, they were using something familiar to the protagonist to share their strength and disconnect you from IT.

Little is shown about the protagonist's day to day life for the purpose of the game but their personality and interests are meant to be hinted at via the daydreams that IT then corrupts. That you get endings like the Fatal Error ending is meant to show that the protagonist is familiar with computers and maybe programming -- though I'm not sure if I conveyed that very well since it's just supposed to be more of a background thing!

Hope that helps!

(1 edit)

it does, for sure (thank you)


I just streamed this game last week on Twitch. Sadly there was no tag for this game on there. I wish there was so it can get the credit it deserves.  I plan on streaming it again to see what other endings I can get! You're shrimply amazing!


Thank you so much! I hope you'll continue to enjoy the story!

(1 edit) (+8)

I loved this game! I got all the endings and it was so good for a spook!(Maybe some trauma included, but who's counting?)

Massive spoilers below for the average reader, so you are warned before proceeding reading!

I wished that there was some kind of secret ending that indicated that "it" was still alive in the darkness and corners of the house, watching the human in a less murderous way or something...Because despite everything that has happened(And how much the toying with the human's mind and downplaying them), the cat still seemed to indeed love the human...I wish I didn't have to kill him or join him, would it be too much to ask to just have an eldritch being as a pet without dying? Blood is something that can be arranged, he doesn't need to D E V O U R humans y'know? Just wished there was a happy ending for the three of them(The human, it and the cat)


I thought of an ending like that --

-- what's a little blood loss between friends, you know? But ultimately, the cat's love was meant to be just too alien and toxic for the protagonist to be happy with them being together. Like the kind of relationship where there's no denying the love exists, but where it's not exactly a good idea for them to be together. Would've been sweet (and a little terrifying) if it had worked out, though!


I understand the message you are portraying through the game, it's the kind of relationship that it's unhealthy and not good to remain...But honestly, even if there was the tiniest bit of hope that It(I want to nickname IT Caphet so bad for fandom purposes, because idk why but even though IT is not supposed to comprehend humans very well and not be forgivable...)

I just y'know? True form or not, eldritch being or not...Every creature deserves some love? It had...VERY unorthodox ways of showing it's love and promise to the protagonist, however they still showed it?

I don't know, maybe it's just because I'm fond of the idea of even if Eldritch beings don't understand how humanity works or how their emotions play out...I would very much adopt myself "It".

Just a lovely game afterall with a very complex conflict between the two characters present...And my inner struggle against "Should I forgive and adopt this thing or kick it out of the bucket"

(Spoiler:It's the first option)


I completely relate to that! 

Exploring the possibility of emotionally connecting with sentient beings that have no knowledge of human concepts/emotions/values (all the ways an encounter with such a being could go right and all the ways it could go wrong) is something I enjoy a lot. It's something I want to do again in the future.

That wavering between emotional desire and rational logic makes for a compelling conflict because they're not always on completely opposite sides of that conflict; it's not always a fight between what's right and what's wrong. Because of that, the conflict (and hopefully the whole story, by extension) can be messy and awful and beautiful and human.

Also, 'Caphet' would've been a great name for IT! It sounds simple but feels very mysterious and a little regal.


It's truly a masterpiece in the end afterall, while they might not know much about humans at the start...Curiosity can evolve into obsession very quickly, whether it's healthy or not is something that can only be determined by how it follows after and I think it's a very enjoyable fact regarding Caphet...Because there are many humans that he just couldn't let go, they were too...



It would be a waste to miss such specimens of the species he encountered wouldn't it? 

And unfortunately it seems like he didn't quite get it until the very end where it was WAY too late for him to realise and lose the last human he had...

While I opted for the idea of nicknaming him Caphy, ending a name with y is normally meant to be more...Adorable, which some can argue that it's hard to debate on whether It is adorable or not...So Caphet is better for neutrality and uniqueness :)


Curiosity -- gets you every time! The rewards can be high, but that makes the risks even higher and IT just pushed too hard, played too much. It's a tragic end to their connection -- at least for IT.


the fact that "it" wasn't lying about loving the dude is sure to complicate some feelings


Yep! People can do some crazy things for the sake of love, but actions tend to matter a lot more than just saying "I love you". If love is conveyed in a way that makes the receiver of that love feel unhappy, uncomfortable or unsafe, it's more likely to be rejected; even if they can appreciate the sentiment.

(1 edit)

I find the game interesting but sadly am having trouble getting some of the endings I know part of the fun is finding them by myself but having some idea on what I should try would be nice. Also wish this cat wasn't some eldritch being. Oh well sily me I didn't see there was an ending guide txt file oh well I got it. Still why does this cat have to look so cute but be so bad?

Thanks so much for playing! The cat is indeed a very bad kitty. But so cute! But so bad... But so cute!

(3 edits)

I just recently went and got the true end I admit it didn't take long for me to see this cat was some eldritch entity. Like the person above me PedroGM0 said it would maybe be interesting to see a ending where the entity was more benign however I feel that would go against the point of the story. But I guess that's where a fan story would come in. I guess the cat with scars on it's right eye is not related to the entity right I hope?

Petition for the name of the black cat*the one we follow* to be Caphet *Like in Caphetrosphic!*

Yeah, the two cats aren't related. I had played around with the idea of IT still haunting the protagonist at the end of the game by possessing the kitten, but after killing them over 30 times I figured they'd earned a win, haha!

Okay I see sad the kitten has it's right eye scared shut but also since the entity went away in the ending how does one explain the option to return to before the end game choice to kill it? The entity even acknowledges the as it puts it poor conclusion so is IT still alive after the ending or when it evaporated was it truly dead?


IT is still alive at the end, just too weak to regain control over the protagonist without the protagonist giving IT back that control by choice. IT got so powerful from 'consuming' all the victims you set free at the end of the game. It'll take a while before IT gets that powerful again.

The reason why you can go back at the end is a bit more technical. I REALLY struggled with the choice to allow it because it meant letting people replay the game and see things they might've missed. 

I was really considering making it impossible to do so by removing the LOAD option in the menu and having it be that you only see the empty box for a few seconds whenever you press the start the button - a way of respecting the protagonist's struggle and final decision to move on. 

I also considered letting people replay the game at the cost of losing all their progress and having to start over from the beginning, but I landed on what you experienced as the final result.

we never found out its name 🤔

(3 edits) (+1)


ITs name is meant to remain unknown!

Its ok. BUT THIS GAME WAS AMAZING!!!! the art style was adorable and i love "it" even if it killed me a million times! I LOVE IT SO MUCHHHH!!! this is my new favorite game :D

Aw! Thank you so much! It's hard to stay mad at IT when it can be so sweet sometimes, haha!

This was an amazing game, I really enjoyed it and the end was so heartwarming


Thank you so much! I'm glad you had fun and got to the true ending


Seeing your skills and effort, I really hesitated going into ending 4 .  Thankfully it wasn't as bad as I thought. Good game though, very realistic. It would be even more realistic if, after the final ending, the world flash-changed to ending 17.

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad I didn't overdo it in ending 4 too. Ending 17 really would make for a good "bad final ending" thinking about it now!

I really liked the game. I liked the 18 22 34 35 endings the most. Although the ending is good, I am very sad that IT died at the end, I liked THIS, despite what IT did to the other victims. I would like to take THIS at the end, but these are already my wishes, so it doesn’t matter. Game for 11 cats out of 10.

(Sorry for any mistakes if they are present here, I don’t know English well, all this text was done through a translator)

(1 edit)

Good choices! Ending 34 was especially fun to draw and animate. 

It definitely makes sense that you would feel sad about ITs death despite the horriible things IT did to others. Even though it hurt the protagonist in a lot of ways, it also kept the protagonist company, even comforting them sometimes. It's meant to be something like a toxic/abusive relationship -- one that you wouldn't necessarily want to escape from, even if you definitely should. Hard to want to walk away from a cute cat after all.

I'm glad you liked the game! Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+2)

I just want to say that I really enjoyed playing your game. It was really fun! It was really well made and I look forward to your future projects! So I have a theory about the game.....


I feel like that the interaction of the cat  with the protagonist symbolizes what a toxic/abusive relationship is like. The cat sounded really possessive of the protagonist, never wanting them to leave them, to always be with them, just like how one being in a toxic relationship is like.

At the endgame endings, it was hinted that the protagonist had  a rough childhood, suffering abuse from their parents and never got their love. This might be the reason why they probably suffer from depression and anxiety as they're growing up. So, because of this, they yearned to be loved and cared for, something they never experienced in their childhood.  Therefore, when they left home (or were kicked out) they met this person and for once, felt content that they could finally experience the love they always yearned for. And to be needed as well. But, in time, I think that person took advantage  of the protagonist's situation, thus the manipulation, gaslighting and guilt-tripping started, knowing full well that they would never leave them and needs their love. Also, I think because of this toxic relationship, it's why the protagonist never had friends anymore. It is what the person wanted, for them to be alone so that they'll be always theirs.

Even at the end, when the protagonist escapes from the cat, you can hear the cat pleading for them to stay, that they'll die without them. The protagonist finally had enough of this abusive relationship, so they ended it and so the person resorts to begging, promising them they would never hurt them again.  It's a case that happens a lot in these toxic relationships.

But the protagonist persisted and finally broke free from their chains. They are slowly moving on from their past relationship, and with baby steps, they even made friends so they are hopeful of what their future lies for them. (Also with the help of that cute kitten!)

I might be looking to0 deep into this but that's my theory hehe :)


I appreciate the in-depth response!

Spoilers below!

It was  definitely my intention to write the relationship formed with the cat as a toxic/abusive one. The cat uses a lot of tactics to keep the protagonist in its clutches (you probably noticed that not ALL of the endings were too bad or even ended the protagonist's death) -- isolation, threats, emotional manipulation, making you think you were the one in control when really the cat was the one controlling the limited "choices" the entire time.

The backstories were actually from three of the cat's many past victims, the ones who help you escape at the end of the game -- that's why their bell chime plays at the beginning of each story. They're trying to reach you as you progress to help you wake up and see that the cat actually does have a reason for choosing the people it calls out to -- it targets vulnerable people who have low opinions of themselves, who feel alone and abandoned, and who desperately want to be seen, heard and loved.  Even though the protagonist genuinely does like their solitude, everyone gets lonely from time to time and the cat caught them on a bad day, making them vulnerable to its tricks.

I liked your analysis/theory though! You really captured the depth of what the people in the backstories endured before being targeted by the cat.

Thanks again and I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Certified Pixeliminal Banger


Thank you!

(1 edit)

This was absolutely a DELIGHTFUL experience in every sense of the word. I teared up hard at the true end. All the other endings had me super engaged as well. (And very satisfying to get without use of a guide!!) I can just tell that so much hard work and love was poured into this game. And the art!!!! My god the art!!!!! Even with all the atrocities the kitty committed it only made me miss having a cat more and more. It’s so adorable yet freaky when it needs to be. It’s perfect for this!!! I’m gonna be thinking about this game for a long, long time.

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed the different endings. I promise I like cats despite the horrible things the cat does!

nice novel

Thank you!


Pretty well-made. Ending 35 is my favorite. Ending 4 is my absolute least favorite because I sure can't handle jumpscares. I also beat Hard Mode for you-know-what. Ausum gamer indeed, completing an ausum game.


Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it! Ausum reward for an ausum gamer!

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