I LOVE THIS!! but could you make it playable on Browser🥺 I've really wanted to play this but can't cause I own a Chromebook, and can only playthings on here with browser. please make it playable on browser If you can.🥺
You managed to make an adorable little kitty into a truly terrifying eldritch horror. There's an incredibly heavy sense of dread mid-game, that no matter what you do it's never right. Coupled with dialogue of just giving up and succumbing to whatever was happening made the horror feel so much more real. I also like that a lot of the horror is implied and not explicitly showed. It allows the player to imagine something personally terrifying to them.
I loved the animation and sound design. Clearly a lot of love was put into this game. The mini games were a fun touch, although the final game went on a touch too long imo. The maze was a very unique mini game that was perfectly balanced, not super long or easy to the point it became boring, but not prohibitively difficult either. The prologue fake-out was clever and definitely had me confused for a sec there.
I appreciate that the endings felt pretty intuitive, if you just go through all the choices you'll get everything. And the true ending...oh boy. As someone who left an abusive relationship, it was so familiar. It really helped me reframe some of my experiences and, in some small part, helped me heal.
Thank you so much for your kind words! :D I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the game and its story, as well as the atmosphere of dread.
One of my favorite little things was changing the menu after getting a certain amount of endings. The cat's blank stare becoming an excited little grin, to show that it knows what it's doing and it's enjoying it -- the suffering it's putting the MC through. I always like seeing little touches like that in games and other media so I tried to place them throughout the game.
I'm glad you also liked the true ending and that it resonated with you and your experiences. I'm honored if it helped you feel even a little bit better.
Every now and then you find the indie game that you cannot stop talking about and that stays with you completely. The horror elements felt absolutely masterfully crafted I knew what I signed up for when I started playing the game but the hair on the back of my neck was on END when you're in the cinema and try to get home and everyone is just staring at you my god.
** the rest of this comment contains spoilers for people who haven't played the game yet **
This being a metaphor for abuse absolutely blew me away. I kept playing and playing every horrible end, in the beginning it felt like maybe the cat doesn't know maybe it's adjusting to our world and when it became clear the cat absolutely does know what its doing to you, I kept searching for redemption in it. Having been in a 5 year abusive relationship, the cyclical looking for positives only to be hurt again felt very fresh and raw and so incredibly captured in this format. I'm doing a creative writing degree, and I hope to keep this as an inspiration point for how story can be told and played with and how to properly understand your genre and tropes while still being unique and innovative.
Thank you so much for your kind comment! I'm glad to hear that you liked the game and its story.
I wanted to show how much abuse can feel so encompassing that it becomes normal to be hurt or belittled and made to walk on eggshells; to feel so tired of feeling unloved that you just ignore all the bad things and make excuses. Treating your efforts to survive the toxicity like a game. It really is like a neverending cycle of trying to make fine wine out of poisonous sludge. Because things aren't always that bad, it's so much easier to stay trapped. More than anything I wanted people who've been through it or are still going through it to know that they're not alone and that there's hope on the other side.
I'm honored that this game could be an inspiration for you. I wish you good luck while your working toward your degree!
Nice art, very creative horror and it was such a blast to find all the ways this tiny defenseless creature could harm and terrorize us! Brilliant! And the way the game keeps track of some of your choices??? It was soo immersive! (chocolate, anyone?) I still get chills from it!
Even some of the "cheap jumpscares" endings were thematically cohesive, like the one where you choose to watch a bad horror movie, so you get one ingame!
The MC felt very humane, and the cat was both lovely and nightmare inducing haha. I was always on edge during the nicer moments, knowing it was just a matter of time until the cat decided to take things too far for my poor heart (T-T)
Got nothing but praises and to say that this was a very enjoyable VN and that the creator is very talented!!
Thank you so much! I wanted there to always be a little tension throughout the game, even in the parts where you and the cat are enjoying each others company >:D
I'm glad you enjoyed the game and its story. Thank you for playing!
Do Not Take the Cat Home is one of those rare games that lingers in your mind long after the credits roll. From the moment my friend Lushie and I started playing, we knew we were in for something special—though, admittedly, we probably shouldn’t have played it given the trigger warnings. But in a way, that made the experience even more meaningful.
The game isn't just about making choices; it’s about confronting uncomfortable truths and understanding perspectives that might not be easy to face. Instead of just shocking for the sake of it, Do Not Take the Cat Home uses its unsettling themes to paint a much bigger picture. For both Lushie and me, it became a game that allowed us to open up about things we might not have otherwise discussed.
The atmosphere, the storytelling, the way it all comes together—it’s an emotional rollercoaster that leaves you thinking. If you’re in the right mindset for it, this game is absolutely worth experiencing. Just be prepared for something that isn’t afraid to challenge you.
Thank you so much for your kind words! It makes me so happy to hear that you and your friend were able to connect over the game's story and themes, despite the horror elements. Thank you for playing!
I appreciate you taking the time to watch! My only regret was that I started recording at midnight because by the time I was done the sun was rising lol but I had no choice, I had to see the final ending!
I mean, this is so well written. A wordsmith has without a doubt forged this book with much love and great attention to detail. I did a few endings if you want to take a look its undere here, somewhere. GG.
Here's some Fan Art I did! Please read the 'About' section ('Cuz it's like the about button from the game.
About: The Fan Art is supposed to match the game, so there's some warnings...Just play the game before opening the link...
Spoilers: The Fan Art has things that are not meant for children to see...because it's supposed represent the ga- here's ONE thing I can list about the Fan Art: This Fan Art has a biiiiiit of religion (Because I'm a religious person and have my own theory on how god was made)
The Link:
Once Again, play the game first and then look at the art!!!
Totally Not Off Track A Meme From The Game With Spoilers: Also this is not part of the meme, it's true. I've been a FAN of this game before I downloaded it and was aware of it being on itch.io!!!
WARNING! This comment contains SPOILERS! Read at your own risk...: I was able to get ALL endings and beat the mirrors mini-game. if there's anything else that I missed, please tell me! (Also 'F' in the chat for memorial of The Cat from do NOT take thIs caT home)
Other than hidden dialogue you might have run into (especially at the dog park if you fail the second QTE and all text for the hide-and-seek hiding spots) and the mirrors mini-game on hard mode, I think you're set!
the game is simply perfect I loved the endings and even more so the real one in which I really felt sorry for him. The game has a good story, good drawings, I love cats and horror so when I saw the game I couldn't resist and downloaded it and didn't regret it at all. anyway, perfection and thank you for creating something so good
I can't give enough praise for this fucking phenomenal game!
I can probably gush about this thing for hours..the art style and writing are off the top. I'm not gonna lie when I first started I thought it'd be one of those slop "Mandela catalogue" games. Nothing of that sort when you play the entire game.
Spoilers(also yap session):
The way you hinted things for the allegory themes of an abusive relationship was crazy. I initially thought it was simple classic eldritch horror, but I love you banged in something realistic. I thought it was cheap for a second since it felt like only the late game showed this allegory but you can see all the signs since the beginning.
"It" makes you feel constantly inadequate, and always smaller than itself
"It" makes you like you're alone constantly and tries to get you off the hivemind warning you off "It" (the eyes hivemind might be the support in your life or your rational thoughts rejecting "It"? I actually couldn't tell. But then again it was overly mentioned MC had no one to go to :(....)
"it" putting thoughts of doubt in your head so you'd see reality in an imagined light of his image (Gaslighting and Love bombing blah blah blah all that good stuff)
"it" believing this is all an act of love in its delusion, that you need all of this
The last bit of the game where he lies there as crying sludge in a box as it declares its love for the player was very haunting! It very much mirrors how people act when their partners simply walk away. I almost felt pity for it until it declared hatred...
(I don't believe "It" ever understood hatred and love. Like most toxic and abusive partners it was doing what it thought was right for its OWN selfish loneliness and "love")
The ending was SO great tho. When we walk into another kitty that looks similar to "It". You realize the main character finally healing enough to move into another relationship, not rejecting the idea of a connection in the end, and continues with his/her life. It was all very amazing to see.
I like the little tidbit that you can always go back to "It"... reminds me how some people will always walk back into the grasp of those who hurt..
Thank you so much! I'm glad you caught those hints, I was worried they'd feel either too subtle or heavy-handed when I was writing.
I really wanted to push the idea that the MC was lonely and without a support system of other people because abusers hurt victims much easier when they're isolated. IT targets people in their most vulnerable moments (like in the stories the past victims told the MC, trying to warn them and wake them up). IT might think its actions are done out of love but whether or not they were doesn't matter, since IT still ended up hurting people and taking their lives.
I always enjoy watching people feel sorry for IT in the end only to realize that its last words are literally "i hate you". Being able to pity someone who hurt you takes a big heart and walking away from someone who hurt you takes great courage. I admire those who can do both, but hope that anyone facing this sort of abuse will be able to prioritize the latter and be safe.
I really wanted to give the reader a happy ending after dealing with so much XD The MC healing with a kitten that looks similar to IT and was also healing in its own way, meant a lot to me.
Thank you so much for your comment and for playing!
Translated by Google: ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Alguien está trabajando actualmente en una traducción al español! Tomará tiempo ya que el juego es bastante largo.
how to go back to the beginning of the game? I looked for answers everywhere, but I didn't find any information about... I just want to go back to the beginning and beat the game again. Could someone from the development team please help me, I just want to have the same gaming experience that I had replaying the game again.
(English is not my mother tongue, please correct if there are mistakes in translation grammar) The game is really good quality, and the style of painting is super to my appetite! 😋Even if you haven't played for a long time, the game experience is still vivid! Especially the mirror maze at the amusement park, where they gave me a medal! I love it!!🥰❤❤
oh man, i think pinterest shadowbanned it for gore or something. not even that bad smh. ive edited the link to hopefully just lead to the image of the drawing in a tab :3
Cute cat tho. I love cats. ^_^ Clearly it agrees with me that a nice, yummy steak is the best food. *nods seriously* That is -clearly- what it meant when it licked the knife.
....I was kinda hoping you'd keep trying to find food the cat liked until you had to kill someone, but I guess that was not the way this game would go. lol
It's only two choices in the entire game tho. But then, the game is ridiculously short, so it makes sense.
How on EARTH are you going to get so many endings from that? oO
I can only assume the game is still under development, seeing as it's too short to even be a full demo version.
Huh. On the second playtrough your choices changed. (Or did I miss it the first time?)
(Death by fright? Are you an old lady or something? >_>)
This is by far the cutest horror game I've played.
Although I'm not a fan of games you keep dying in, but that's a personal preference. lol
you should keep playing it! you unlock more and more choices as you progress until you even end up saying "how the hell did we end up here" lol. the ending will tie it all up nicely. play this game for the story and the choices, and with the curiosity of "what will happen if i do this?"
Just finished the game and I need to leave a review about my thoughts because the writing is so sooooo good. I didn't think the final where we leave IT would make me emotional but it was heartbreaking; despite all the suffering IT put us through I felt bad for abandoning it, it wasn't until the protagonist describes how it was the following weeks after leaving IT that I found myself on the verge of tears. I have never been into a romantic relationship but maybe I did experience something similar to a break up because when I read how MC would sometimes think about it, blame themselves, miss it and go back to the alley crying I had a lump in my throat.
I loved some of the alternative endings, especially the ones where IT ends up having a living doll kitten to take care of and when MC lets IT fed upon an unlucky stranger and both begin a new life together, letting IT eat at its heart content. I have so many questions though:
Which names would the doll kitten and the one eye kittens have if they had played more relevant roles in the story?
+ Does IT hate dogs simply because it has the form of a cat or did something happen to feed this hatred?
+ Can other animals aside from rats and cats take nightmare-ish forms (leaving the fact that all those scenarios were made up in our head)?
+ How would life be if we had kept IT and it lived with us (death and suffering never ending loop aside)?
+ IS the green-hazel eye kitten a parallel to IT (how it could have been - their relationship or IT itself- if the devilish cat wasn't toxic)?
+ Did MC adopted a cat similar to IT as way to cope or is their similar appearance merely coincidental? Even if it's a coincidence I can't help but imagine MC will sometimes look at the kitten and be reminded of IT
I know it portrays a toxic/abusive relationship and it does a great job at making it realistic because - while we know it enjoys making us suffer - it is true IT cares for us in a twisted way; both feeding our craving of not being left completely alone while belitting ourselves so we don't get enough confidence that we can and deserve better and ultimately abandon it. His (can we refer to IT as he/him besides using it/its?) power relies on having someone, so the fact his roars and threats turn out to crying meows could be both a manipulating tactic to make MC feel pity and join its side again and/or real sadness and deseperation to keep the human who did its existence entertaining.
Still, I can't help but love this diabolical cute, selfish, gaslighting, jealous, possessive and cruel kitty. Now that I have ended the game I feel that emptyness one has when they finish a really good series/book and I miss having IT if that makes sense? I wish there was more content about this evil baby out there or the story was longer but I am glad with what the game offers.
Anyway, thank you for this wonderful game that may become something I come back to play every once in a while. I'll cope with the hole IT has left in my heart by drawing my kitty alongside other yandere characters I like (hopefully my eldritch kitten will learn to share its human,,,probably not >.<)
- I didn't want to make any name suggestions since I didn't want there to be a canonical name for the cat(s) and I also like seeing what other people come up with!
- It seems to conveniently be playing up its cat identity, but really it's just extra bitter and jealous that the MC abandoned it in the alley and then went to go enjoy looking at dogs instead XD
- It depends on whether the cat wants to manipulate the MC's perception of another being
- IT can't help its possessive nature. Eventually if the MC ever brought any person or other pet into their life, the cat would fall back into its manipulative tendencies. The only way things would stand a chance of working out is if the MC isolated their self from the world and spent the rest of their life with the cat ;_;
- It was important to me that the green-hazel eyed kitten looked like IT for a few reasons. One was that black cats get a lot negative stereotypes so I wanted to end with a positive portrayal of one XD But more importantly, the MC letting in something so similar in appearance to IT is meant to show how far they've come in healing after the events of the game. Like how people experience horrible relationships at times and sometimes it can make them shy away from others, but a part of healing is acknowledging that not everyone is like the ones who cause harm. Every single relationship is a risk. People won't know what they're getting into until they're already deep in enough to see someone's true colors. That's kind of why I wanted there to be a slight moment of fear in the Player that the ending is yet another daydream, since the kitten is so similar to IT and is even missing an eye like IT did in the final confrontation. Getting to know someone can lead to something that could ruin a life in more ways than one. Or it can lead to a strong and beautiful relationship that can last for years and years, changing all parties involved for the better. We can only ever hope for the latter while being prepared to combat the former.
- Adopting a kitten that looks like IT is more coincidental for the MC than as a way to cope, since they were already on the path to healing when they encountered the kitten. Both the kitten and the MC have been hurt, but now they can heal together.
Thank you for the fun questions! I get a little sad after finishing a long game or story that I was really invested in, too. Like: "What am I supposed to do now??" But I'm glad that you liked the game and the story that much.
I really enjoyed this game. All the endings are nicely made. The visuals and writing itself are really good. The parts where the mc speaks of his past and of all the crap that has happened to him and how he feels kinda got to me in a strange, but pleasant way. I would absolutely recommend to anyone who like visual novel's style games. Kudos to the developer.
I really like this game genuinely. It kept me stumped for a day or two but the ending was sorta emotional for me. Some parts of it reminded me of a relationship I used to have, but overall I genuinely enojoyed this game a lot.
Played this four months ago, but I realized no one can actually see reviews, so I'm reposting mine here(light spoilers):
This game is truly, genuinely amazing. I was not expecting to find what is probably now one of my favorite games of all time as a random visual novel that's FREE. I played this for about three hours, but it sure uses its time VERY effectively. Vague spoilers ahead, but I love how this game does horror. Although you have this cat that is brutally murdering you and causing horrible things to happen, at the beginning, I still see a cute cat. These adorable feline friend interactions are littered all throughout the game, and even with the numerous horrible things happening to me I still just could not get over the fact that it still is a cat, and I still ended up cycling through every single ending of taking the cat home and trying to befriend it before I even got to the others. The fact that you can still hear it meow and do numerous cat things just makes me want to befriend it more, and even to the very end, when the tone had slowly and steadily shifted, when the cute cat noises were brought out it still would pull at my heart. The violence is 10/10 by the way, I love the numerous sorts of terrifying scenarios, and how you can even see the trauma of past endings leaking into your interactions, it's sick as hell. The title screen which you are taken to every time you get an ending does a great job at illustrating how I felt throughout the game, where at first you see a cute cat, and the more endings you go through the more deranged it gets, until it's finally DO NOT TAKE IT HOME. Fully mirroring how although it's a cat, your determination to befriend it in some way slowly switches to concentrate more on defying it and escaping, getting a good ending for yourself by any means. Although you want that from the start, it's crazy how the tone slowly shifts. And let me tell you, the story for this game was absolutely top notch. It had one of those answer all your questions part near the very end and it did not disappoint, some of the biggest plot twists ever. It is literally insane how good this game's story is. The ending was also absolutely bananas, it was kind of sad in a way seeing what ends up happening for the sort of first half of the ending. Though to briefly touch on the absolute final part of the game, man I have never had my face turn to pure happiness so quickly. Absolutely top notch game, the soundtrack can be a little basic at times but it is absolutely criminal this game is free, play it.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for reposting them. I kind of forget that reviews are a thing sometimes since they're not very obviously accessible.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game and appreciated the story. I wanted the cat to be insidious with it deceptive cuteness, using it to pull the MC/Player in, so I'm happy I managed to do so :3 I'm also really glad to hear you liked the plot twist and that the ending made you happy!
Thank you again for your review and for playing the game!
← Return to game
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No sé a dónde está el mi comentario Hay un montón personas que te estaban hablando contigo
Damn u were right i really shouldn't have taken that cat home
XD I told you!
Thanks so much for playing!
do you have to get to a certain spot to load your save?
You have to at least finish the prologue and get Ending 0 before getting access to save files.
i finished the game, got all the endings, but sadly, can't befriend cat, my friend shape, if dangrous :(
CAUTION! Too dangerous for friendship :(
Thank you so much for playing!
I LOVE THIS!! but could you make it playable on Browser🥺 I've really wanted to play this but can't cause I own a Chromebook, and can only playthings on here with browser. please make it playable on browser If you can.🥺
The game file is pretty large so it might affect quality and playability, but I might try it out and see how it goes. Hopefully it will work :D
thank you! and even if it doesn't work, i'm at least glad you tried and that's all that matters :)
again thank you! don't forget to take care of yourself! :>
Thank you so much for giving the try! :D Glad to see you liked it so far!
This cat reminds me of cartoon cat for no reason :-)
You managed to make an adorable little kitty into a truly terrifying eldritch horror. There's an incredibly heavy sense of dread mid-game, that no matter what you do it's never right. Coupled with dialogue of just giving up and succumbing to whatever was happening made the horror feel so much more real. I also like that a lot of the horror is implied and not explicitly showed. It allows the player to imagine something personally terrifying to them.
I loved the animation and sound design. Clearly a lot of love was put into this game. The mini games were a fun touch, although the final game went on a touch too long imo. The maze was a very unique mini game that was perfectly balanced, not super long or easy to the point it became boring, but not prohibitively difficult either. The prologue fake-out was clever and definitely had me confused for a sec there.
I appreciate that the endings felt pretty intuitive, if you just go through all the choices you'll get everything. And the true ending...oh boy. As someone who left an abusive relationship, it was so familiar. It really helped me reframe some of my experiences and, in some small part, helped me heal.
One of itchio's finest games, without a doubt.
Thank you so much for your kind words! :D I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the game and its story, as well as the atmosphere of dread.
One of my favorite little things was changing the menu after getting a certain amount of endings. The cat's blank stare becoming an excited little grin, to show that it knows what it's doing and it's enjoying it -- the suffering it's putting the MC through. I always like seeing little touches like that in games and other media so I tried to place them throughout the game.
I'm glad you also liked the true ending and that it resonated with you and your experiences. I'm honored if it helped you feel even a little bit better.
Thank you so much for playing!
Every now and then you find the indie game that you cannot stop talking about and that stays with you completely. The horror elements felt absolutely masterfully crafted I knew what I signed up for when I started playing the game but the hair on the back of my neck was on END when you're in the cinema and try to get home and everyone is just staring at you my god.
** the rest of this comment contains spoilers for people who haven't played the game yet **
This being a metaphor for abuse absolutely blew me away. I kept playing and playing every horrible end, in the beginning it felt like maybe the cat doesn't know maybe it's adjusting to our world and when it became clear the cat absolutely does know what its doing to you, I kept searching for redemption in it. Having been in a 5 year abusive relationship, the cyclical looking for positives only to be hurt again felt very fresh and raw and so incredibly captured in this format. I'm doing a creative writing degree, and I hope to keep this as an inspiration point for how story can be told and played with and how to properly understand your genre and tropes while still being unique and innovative.
Don't make me cry! :'D
Thank you so much for your kind comment! I'm glad to hear that you liked the game and its story.
I wanted to show how much abuse can feel so encompassing that it becomes normal to be hurt or belittled and made to walk on eggshells; to feel so tired of feeling unloved that you just ignore all the bad things and make excuses. Treating your efforts to survive the toxicity like a game. It really is like a neverending cycle of trying to make fine wine out of poisonous sludge. Because things aren't always that bad, it's so much easier to stay trapped. More than anything I wanted people who've been through it or are still going through it to know that they're not alone and that there's hope on the other side.
I'm honored that this game could be an inspiration for you. I wish you good luck while your working toward your degree!
And thank you for playing!
(spoilers ahead)
OMG I loved it!!!
Nice art, very creative horror and it was such a blast to find all the ways this tiny defenseless creature could harm and terrorize us! Brilliant! And the way the game keeps track of some of your choices??? It was soo immersive! (chocolate, anyone?) I still get chills from it!
Even some of the "cheap jumpscares" endings were thematically cohesive, like the one where you choose to watch a bad horror movie, so you get one ingame!
The MC felt very humane, and the cat was both lovely and nightmare inducing haha. I was always on edge during the nicer moments, knowing it was just a matter of time until the cat decided to take things too far for my poor heart (T-T)
Got nothing but praises and to say that this was a very enjoyable VN and that the creator is very talented!!
Thank you so much! I wanted there to always be a little tension throughout the game, even in the parts where you and the cat are enjoying each others company >:D
I'm glad you enjoyed the game and its story. Thank you for playing!
Do Not Take the Cat Home is one of those rare games that lingers in your mind long after the credits roll. From the moment my friend Lushie and I started playing, we knew we were in for something special—though, admittedly, we probably shouldn’t have played it given the trigger warnings. But in a way, that made the experience even more meaningful.
The game isn't just about making choices; it’s about confronting uncomfortable truths and understanding perspectives that might not be easy to face. Instead of just shocking for the sake of it, Do Not Take the Cat Home uses its unsettling themes to paint a much bigger picture. For both Lushie and me, it became a game that allowed us to open up about things we might not have otherwise discussed.
The atmosphere, the storytelling, the way it all comes together—it’s an emotional rollercoaster that leaves you thinking. If you’re in the right mindset for it, this game is absolutely worth experiencing. Just be prepared for something that isn’t afraid to challenge you.
Thank you so much for your kind words! It makes me so happy to hear that you and your friend were able to connect over the game's story and themes, despite the horror elements. Thank you for playing!
Part 2 aka the last 30+ endings
Watched the whole thing in one evening :D Thank you so much for playing! I'm so glad you enjoyed the game!
I appreciate you taking the time to watch! My only regret was that I started recording at midnight because by the time I was done the sun was rising lol but I had no choice, I had to see the final ending!
I mean, this is so well written.
A wordsmith has without a doubt forged this book with much love and great attention to detail.
I did a few endings if you want to take a look its undere here, somewhere.
Thanks so much for trying out the game! I'm glad you enjoyed what you've read so far!
this game traumatizes me how the hell does a game even
[the new cinema part traumatizes me the most]
Thank you so much for playing, despite the trauma!
[Was it the part where you have eyes on you all the way home or the audience becoming kitten cocoons?]
Here's some Fan Art I did! Please read the 'About' section ('Cuz it's like the about button from the game.
The Fan Art is supposed to match the game, so there's some warnings...Just play the game before opening the link...
The Fan Art has things that are not meant for children to see...because it's supposed represent the ga- here's ONE thing I can list about the Fan Art:
This Fan Art has a biiiiiit of religion (Because I'm a religious person and have my own theory on how god was made)
The Link:
Once Again, play the game first and then look at the art!!!
Here's your art, just click here!
Totally Not
OffTrackA Meme From The Game With Spoilers:Also this is not part of the meme, it's true. I've been a FAN of this game before I downloaded it and was aware of it being on itch.io!!!
(I feel like I draw better on paper)
<3<3 Thank you so much! IT almost looks like a mechanical angel or like it's made of something inorganic.. Really interesting! :D
wow this was amazing. The writing, the art, the story. Very good
Thank you so much!
WARNING! This comment contains SPOILERS! Read at your own risk...:
I was able to get ALL endings and beat the mirrors mini-game. if there's anything else that I missed, please tell me!
(Also 'F' in the chat for memorial of The Cat from do NOT take thIs caT home)
Other than hidden dialogue you might have run into (especially at the dog park if you fail the second QTE and all text for the hide-and-seek hiding spots) and the mirrors mini-game on hard mode, I think you're set!
Thank you so much for playing!
RIP 'I T' ????-2023
the game is simply perfect I loved the endings and even more so the real one in which I really felt sorry for him. The game has a good story, good drawings, I love cats and horror so when I saw the game I couldn't resist and downloaded it and didn't regret it at all. anyway, perfection and thank you for creating something so good
Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you didn't regret giving the game a try :D
I can't give enough praise for this fucking phenomenal game!
I can probably gush about this thing for hours..the art style and writing are off the top. I'm not gonna lie when I first started I thought it'd be one of those slop "Mandela catalogue" games. Nothing of that sort when you play the entire game.
Spoilers(also yap session):
The way you hinted things for the allegory themes of an abusive relationship was crazy. I initially thought it was simple classic eldritch horror, but I love you banged in something realistic. I thought it was cheap for a second since it felt like only the late game showed this allegory but you can see all the signs since the beginning.
"It" makes you feel constantly inadequate, and always smaller than itself
"It" makes you like you're alone constantly and tries to get you off the hivemind warning you off "It" (the eyes hivemind might be the support in your life or your rational thoughts rejecting "It"? I actually couldn't tell. But then again it was overly mentioned MC had no one to go to :(....)
"it" putting thoughts of doubt in your head so you'd see reality in an imagined light of his image (Gaslighting and Love bombing blah blah blah all that good stuff)
"it" believing this is all an act of love in its delusion, that you need all of this
The last bit of the game where he lies there as crying sludge in a box as it declares its love for the player was very haunting! It very much mirrors how people act when their partners simply walk away. I almost felt pity for it until it declared hatred...
(I don't believe "It" ever understood hatred and love. Like most toxic and abusive partners it was doing what it thought was right for its OWN selfish loneliness and "love")
The ending was SO great tho. When we walk into another kitty that looks similar to "It". You realize the main character finally healing enough to move into another relationship, not rejecting the idea of a connection in the end, and continues with his/her life. It was all very amazing to see.
I like the little tidbit that you can always go back to "It"... reminds me how some people will always walk back into the grasp of those who hurt..
Your "ambiance" was probably the most unsettling thing in the entire game. The music, images and color was used amazingly!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :D
The story's CRAZY and you got that perfectly!
Thank you so much! I'm glad you caught those hints, I was worried they'd feel either too subtle or heavy-handed when I was writing.
I really wanted to push the idea that the MC was lonely and without a support system of other people because abusers hurt victims much easier when they're isolated. IT targets people in their most vulnerable moments (like in the stories the past victims told the MC, trying to warn them and wake them up). IT might think its actions are done out of love but whether or not they were doesn't matter, since IT still ended up hurting people and taking their lives.
I always enjoy watching people feel sorry for IT in the end only to realize that its last words are literally "i hate you". Being able to pity someone who hurt you takes a big heart and walking away from someone who hurt you takes great courage. I admire those who can do both, but hope that anyone facing this sort of abuse will be able to prioritize the latter and be safe.
I really wanted to give the reader a happy ending after dealing with so much XD The MC healing with a kitten that looks similar to IT and was also healing in its own way, meant a lot to me.
Thank you so much for your comment and for playing!
Thanks so much for giving the game a try! Your reactions were great XD
XD ofc it was fun ur game was something alright lol
Great game with many options and endings. Can't wait to find the rest of them!
Puedo jugar este juego porfis 😢😢😢😢
Translated by Google: Sí, ¡pero tenga en cuenta las advertencias! ¡Se puede descargar gratis!
me encanta. Me gustaria que estuviera en español :3
Translated by Google: ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Alguien está trabajando actualmente en una traducción al español! Tomará tiempo ya que el juego es bastante largo.
how to go back to the beginning of the game? I looked for answers everywhere, but I didn't find any information about... I just want to go back to the beginning and beat the game again. Could someone from the development team please help me, I just want to have the same gaming experience that I had replaying the game again.
Here's the link to the full reset guide:
I hope that helps!
(English is not my mother tongue, please correct if there are mistakes in translation grammar) The game is really good quality, and the style of painting is super to my appetite! 😋Even if you haven't played for a long time, the game experience is still vivid! Especially the mirror maze at the amusement park, where they gave me a medal! I love it!!🥰❤❤
Thank you so much! I'm glad you had a good time playing the game!
nyehehheeh i have art of this game on my wall i drew >:3
here is some digital art ive done of it
here is another ive done but i wont straight up add the image because of spoiler/cw horror reasons, but u can click this if u wanna go see it
one of my fav endings, along with the barfing out fish one :3
<3 So cute!! The other link wasn't working, but still thank you so much for the drawing! :D
oh man, i think pinterest shadowbanned it for gore or something. not even that bad smh. ive edited the link to hopefully just lead to the image of the drawing in a tab :3
<3<3 Oh, that was awesome XD! Thank you so much!
For Pixeliminal, it was the tentacle ending cat/it
The game lacks a "Load" button.
Very annoying.
Cute cat tho. I love cats. ^_^
Clearly it agrees with me that a nice, yummy steak is the best food. *nods seriously* That is -clearly- what it meant when it licked the knife.
....I was kinda hoping you'd keep trying to find food the cat liked until you had to kill someone, but I guess that was not the way this game would go. lol
It's only two choices in the entire game tho.
But then, the game is ridiculously short, so it makes sense.
How on EARTH are you going to get so many endings from that? oO
I can only assume the game is still under development, seeing as it's too short to even be a full demo version.
Huh. On the second playtrough your choices changed.
(Or did I miss it the first time?)
(Death by fright? Are you an old lady or something? >_>)
This is by far the cutest horror game I've played.
Although I'm not a fan of games you keep dying in, but that's a personal preference. lol
It's well made tho.
Thank you so much for playing and for continuing even though it didn't seem finished XD I'm glad you gave the game a try!
you should keep playing it! you unlock more and more choices as you progress until you even end up saying "how the hell did we end up here" lol. the ending will tie it all up nicely. play this game for the story and the choices, and with the curiosity of "what will happen if i do this?"
Ah, that's good to know. Thanks.
this is a wonderful game, left with some strong raw emotions after finishing. 10/10
Thank you very much! I'm happy that you enjoyed it!
this game resonated with me- ill share my lets play later, but this is the most meaningful horror game i have ever played
I'm really glad to hear that! Thanks so much for playing!
Loved this game, need 10 more seasons, a movie, and how about a sequel too. (Jk, lol, but this was a very nice game! and I really enjoyed it well!)
Six seasons and a movie! XD
Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you liked the game!
nice game!
Thank you!
Just finished the game and I need to leave a review about my thoughts because the writing is so sooooo good. I didn't think the final where we leave IT would make me emotional but it was heartbreaking; despite all the suffering IT put us through I felt bad for abandoning it, it wasn't until the protagonist describes how it was the following weeks after leaving IT that I found myself on the verge of tears. I have never been into a romantic relationship but maybe I did experience something similar to a break up because when I read how MC would sometimes think about it, blame themselves, miss it and go back to the alley crying I had a lump in my throat.
I loved some of the alternative endings, especially the ones where IT ends up having a
living dollkitten to take care of and when MC lets IT fed upon an unlucky stranger and both begin a new life together, letting IT eat at its heart content. I have so many questions though:Which names would the doll kitten and the one eye kittens have if they had played more relevant roles in the story?
+ Does IT hate dogs simply because it has the form of a cat or did something happen to feed this hatred?
+ Can other animals aside from rats and cats take nightmare-ish forms (leaving the fact that all those scenarios were made up in our head)?
+ How would life be if we had kept IT and it lived with us (death and suffering never ending loop aside)?
+ IS the green-hazel eye kitten a parallel to IT (how it could have been - their relationship or IT itself- if the devilish cat wasn't toxic)?
+ Did MC adopted a cat similar to IT as way to cope or is their similar appearance merely coincidental? Even if it's a coincidence I can't help but imagine MC will sometimes look at the kitten and be reminded of IT
I know it portrays a toxic/abusive relationship and it does a great job at making it realistic because - while we know it enjoys making us suffer - it is true IT cares for us in a twisted way; both feeding our craving of not being left completely alone while belitting ourselves so we don't get enough confidence that we can and deserve better and ultimately abandon it. His (can we refer to IT as he/him besides using it/its?) power relies on having someone, so the fact his roars and threats turn out to crying meows could be both a manipulating tactic to make MC feel pity and join its side again and/or real sadness and deseperation to keep the human who did its existence entertaining.
Still, I can't help but love this diabolical cute, selfish, gaslighting, jealous, possessive and cruel kitty. Now that I have ended the game I feel that emptyness one has when they finish a really good series/book and I miss having IT if that makes sense? I wish there was more content about this evil baby out there or the story was longer but I am glad with what the game offers.
Anyway, thank you for this wonderful game that may become something I come back to play every once in a while. I'll cope with the hole IT has left in my heart by drawing my kitty alongside other yandere characters I like (hopefully my eldritch kitten will learn to share its human,,,probably not >.<)
Thank you so much for the lovely review!
- I didn't want to make any name suggestions since I didn't want there to be a canonical name for the cat(s) and I also like seeing what other people come up with!
- It seems to conveniently be playing up its cat identity, but really it's just extra bitter and jealous that the MC abandoned it in the alley and then went to go enjoy looking at dogs instead XD
- It depends on whether the cat wants to manipulate the MC's perception of another being
- IT can't help its possessive nature. Eventually if the MC ever brought any person or other pet into their life, the cat would fall back into its manipulative tendencies. The only way things would stand a chance of working out is if the MC isolated their self from the world and spent the rest of their life with the cat ;_;
- It was important to me that the green-hazel eyed kitten looked like IT for a few reasons. One was that black cats get a lot negative stereotypes so I wanted to end with a positive portrayal of one XD But more importantly, the MC letting in something so similar in appearance to IT is meant to show how far they've come in healing after the events of the game. Like how people experience horrible relationships at times and sometimes it can make them shy away from others, but a part of healing is acknowledging that not everyone is like the ones who cause harm. Every single relationship is a risk. People won't know what they're getting into until they're already deep in enough to see someone's true colors. That's kind of why I wanted there to be a slight moment of fear in the Player that the ending is yet another daydream, since the kitten is so similar to IT and is even missing an eye like IT did in the final confrontation. Getting to know someone can lead to something that could ruin a life in more ways than one. Or it can lead to a strong and beautiful relationship that can last for years and years, changing all parties involved for the better. We can only ever hope for the latter while being prepared to combat the former.
- Adopting a kitten that looks like IT is more coincidental for the MC than as a way to cope, since they were already on the path to healing when they encountered the kitten. Both the kitten and the MC have been hurt, but now they can heal together.
Thank you for the fun questions! I get a little sad after finishing a long game or story that I was really invested in, too. Like: "What am I supposed to do now??" But I'm glad that you liked the game and the story that much.
Thank you so much for playing!
I guess I didn't listen to that warning :)
There will be a Part 2 but its a Nope from there
Really good visual novel
Thank you so much for giving the game a try! I hope you're enjoying it so far!
I really enjoyed this game. All the endings are nicely made. The visuals and writing itself are really good. The parts where the mc speaks of his past and of all the crap that has happened to him and how he feels kinda got to me in a strange, but pleasant way. I would absolutely recommend to anyone who like visual novel's style games. Kudos to the developer.
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the game and the story!
I really like this game genuinely. It kept me stumped for a day or two but the ending was sorta emotional for me. Some parts of it reminded me of a relationship I used to have, but overall I genuinely enojoyed this game a lot.
I'm glad the game and its story resonated with you. Hopefully in a good way! Thank you so much for playing!
Played this four months ago, but I realized no one can actually see reviews, so I'm reposting mine here(light spoilers):
This game is truly, genuinely amazing. I was not expecting to find what is probably now one of my favorite games of all time as a random visual novel that's FREE. I played this for about three hours, but it sure uses its time VERY effectively. Vague spoilers ahead, but I love how this game does horror. Although you have this cat that is brutally murdering you and causing horrible things to happen, at the beginning, I still see a cute cat. These adorable feline friend interactions are littered all throughout the game, and even with the numerous horrible things happening to me I still just could not get over the fact that it still is a cat, and I still ended up cycling through every single ending of taking the cat home and trying to befriend it before I even got to the others. The fact that you can still hear it meow and do numerous cat things just makes me want to befriend it more, and even to the very end, when the tone had slowly and steadily shifted, when the cute cat noises were brought out it still would pull at my heart. The violence is 10/10 by the way, I love the numerous sorts of terrifying scenarios, and how you can even see the trauma of past endings leaking into your interactions, it's sick as hell. The title screen which you are taken to every time you get an ending does a great job at illustrating how I felt throughout the game, where at first you see a cute cat, and the more endings you go through the more deranged it gets, until it's finally DO NOT TAKE IT HOME. Fully mirroring how although it's a cat, your determination to befriend it in some way slowly switches to concentrate more on defying it and escaping, getting a good ending for yourself by any means. Although you want that from the start, it's crazy how the tone slowly shifts. And let me tell you, the story for this game was absolutely top notch. It had one of those answer all your questions part near the very end and it did not disappoint, some of the biggest plot twists ever. It is literally insane how good this game's story is. The ending was also absolutely bananas, it was kind of sad in a way seeing what ends up happening for the sort of first half of the ending. Though to briefly touch on the absolute final part of the game, man I have never had my face turn to pure happiness so quickly. Absolutely top notch game, the soundtrack can be a little basic at times but it is absolutely criminal this game is free, play it.
:') You got me all teary-eyed, haha!
Thank you so much for your kind words and for reposting them. I kind of forget that reviews are a thing sometimes since they're not very obviously accessible.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game and appreciated the story. I wanted the cat to be insidious with it deceptive cuteness, using it to pull the MC/Player in, so I'm happy I managed to do so :3 I'm also really glad to hear you liked the plot twist and that the ending made you happy!
Thank you again for your review and for playing the game!
Damn I wasn't expecting you to reply, I don't even know what to say. Thanks for making such an amazing game!