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Was not expecting this game to actually scare me. I don't play a lot of visual novel games but this is super intriguing. How come a cute cat can become so terrifying? Good job on the writing.

Thank you very much! I hope you the story and the rest of the game!


it has cozy but creepy vibes which I love, great job! 

Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the rest of the game!


The catastrophic events you have just witnessed are, in all likelihood, less severe than the destruction that would actually occur in the event of a full nuclear strike against the United States.

It is hoped that the images of this film will inspire the nations of this earth, their peoples and leaders, to find the means to avert the fateful day.


Yes, this is the ending disclaimer to The Day After.
Just don't take the cat home and we'll all be fine.


Ooh! This sounds like the makings of an analog/digital horror!

The Day After is a serious movie produced during the Cold War which discusses nuclear war. Definitely not analog horror.


There might be something wrong with me, I still wanted to take the cat home at the very very end, even if it wasn't cat like anymore and near the end where it was about to stop chasing you. The meows :( broke my itty bitty heart. I somehow managed to get all the endings without looking at the guide, my last one before THE LAST task was the one where you turn back to the cat after saying you were going to leave it, and just trauma dump on the baby. Also when you ate the chocolate after committing the deed, was hilarious. For completionism, I may have chosen to kick, kill and eat the dog. MY BAD lol! I found the dog ending funny and the guy that kept sitting in front of you at the movie theater, my brother said there should have been an option to spite him by pulling out a really tall hat from no where and sitting in front of him instead. This is most definitely the longest comment I have ever made for a game, you clearly spent a lot of time on this game and it shows with how well its written. The game was perfect and thank you for making it. :)


Same. The cat immediately got my pity. Bruh i was willing to take it home but IT is a good liar lol. My only weakness! cats. 


And thank YOU for playing!

I'm glad the story resonated with you so deeply and enjoyed the little moments of humor in it as well as the horror. Choosing to sit in front of the stranger in the theater would've been it's own kind of terror, just thinking about the staring the whole time !*shudder* I like reading long comments, so I appreciate it!

Also, fun fact! The OST playing while the MC is trauma dumping on the cat is called 'fickle confidant'


guys dont download this game! when i did it the cat went out of my pc screen and sacrificed me to the gods! horrible experience! 10/10

Oh no, I thought I took care of that bug! Hope you had a swift recovery!


(spoilers)  im using a translator) i'll be honest, i don't like games with horror and jumpscare that much, especially if it's extreme, i was searching for a specific type of visual novel game and then this one came up, i didn't read the synopsis, i just downloaded the game, at first i realized it wasn't what i thought it was (because, duh i didn't read the synopsis so i thought it was another type of game) but i ignored it and kept playing, bro you have no idea, I was scared, I was anxious, it was very good, the story makes you curious, afraid, angry, hopeful, you identify with the mc,when the voices first appeared, my interpretation was that the cat was actually meant to represent a human being who was a negative person in someone's life, so the person saw the cat as a representation of that, but that wasn't the case haha, even with the jumpscares etc it didnt made me want to stop playing, in fact i wasn't  bothered by it after i keep playing,  I've already recommended this game to 3 friends, although I'm not fluent in English I just had to look up some words on google, but it did not interfere in any way, as I mentioned before "confusing the type of game" that was the best mistake I made, it was the best experience I've ever had, thank you very much!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game even though you don't like horror! The genre has always been tough for me too, so it was surprising to me that the first game I wanted to make was a psychological horror. I'm happy that the story and MC connected with you too. Thank you for the recommendations and for playing my game!


It was a cute cat from start to finish, even if it kept killing ya. Loved the game.

Thank you so much for playing!


Aftr I played this game, something weird happened

I had a dream of adopting a possesed demonic cat, i can't remember any of the details, sadly.


BRO ;skull;

(=ↀωↀ=) Ooo! Ominous!

I hope it was more of a weird quirky dream and not a full blown nightmare though!


chat, is it worth taking this cat home?


Okay, I'll be honest, I haven't played this game because I don't know English (I'm using Google Translate) I don't have a functional computer and I don't have money :(

  But I have seen all the gameplays, images, I have read some pages that talk about the game and I read the comments on this page from time to time. And I can only say that I am obsessed with this game, it makes me very angry that it is not known at all, it seems that it has no fandom, I have thought about making a video for yt about the game but I don't know how to edit very well XD

A curious story is that I found out about the game through a YouTuber who made some videos about the game, he left it halfway and didn't make any more videos about the game, so because I found the plot interesting and I adore evil cats I decided I started researching more about him and I don't regret it.

I love IT, I don't understand why, it's just that he seems so cute and huggable, he reminds me of my cat :3

When I have a computer and money I will buy this game and play it.

And well, I hope you make more games and that things go well in your life.

Chao :)

you don't need money to download ^^ it's only for the donations

That's so cool that you found about the game in that way since I'd always assumed at first that only people looking would ever find it. Word travels fast that way, huh?

Like Kaori said, the game is free, so you don't have to worry about paying for it! I hope you enjoy it playing on your own!

I appreciate the well wishes and hope things are going well in your life too!

got some more cool endings to this game! Cant wait until i complete the entire thing! Thank you for creating this game and i cant wait to see what you do next! 

I've played through the game and achieved all 40 ending in over 8 hours, and I went through an emotional rollercoaster with the adorable cat on a thrilling note. I even cried a little before doing the last few endings since I was very attached to it. Overall, I'd give this a 5-star rating.

P.S. Ending 33 was my most favorite


Ending 33 was a fun one to write and script too!

Thank you so much for playing the game! I'm happy to hear that you resonated with the story that much and that you enjoyed playing!

Played through this game intermittently over the last two days. I achieved all 40 endings and LOVED it! 10/10. The story, lore, art - it is all so well done for a free game.

Thank you very much for playing all the way to the end! I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

I definitely liked this game

Thank you, I'm happy to hear that!

милая кошка страшная чёрная 




It would be cool if the game changes a little bit after you choose to revive the cat monster during the end.

It would've been, but I guess the story for me had been finished by that point. So I wanted to end on a high note, haha!


I'm speechless, that was legit the most incredible game I've ever played!! Literally everything about this game is perfect, I swear im not exaggerating 

im so very glad I found this game <3

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit) (+2)

Does the cat have a name?  if not can the cat have a fan-made name?

also i love the cat ajwks- hes adorable


The cat doesn't have any official name, so headcanon names are always welcome!

Thank you for telling me! and will there be any other games?


wow what a sweet kitty! sweet, totally innocent little cat. could do no wrong... absolutely not!


(=ↀωↀ=) Absolutely not!

hey!! nice game, are u interested on translating the game to other langs so u could reach more ppl? i'm Spanish native, so i might help if u want ofc

I'm not able to hire a translator at the moment, but hopefully sometime in the future!

i used an autoclicker and saw a cat in kechup for 1 second


JUST ketchup, that's all it is! Possibly.

(3 edits) (+1)

ESSE JOGO É ABSURDO DE BOM!!! cara eu simplesmente estou chocada com tantos finais, porra o final do filme com o DEMÔNIO aparecendo no espelho me fez ter um ataque do CARALHO. Apesar desse jogo despertar todos os meus medos e ansiedade eu amei cada final assustador e doloroso que teve, passei do labirinto de espelho de primeira, (fiquei muito feliz porque eu tava com um puta medo de alguma assombração PULAR NA MINHA CARA). Eu adorei a arte, como cada cutscene é única e nem um pouco tedioso, a trilha sonora absurda(tinha vezes que eu até esquecia que tinha um gato endemoniado querendo me matar c: ) EU CHOREI JOGANDO CARA, eu simplesmente adoro/odeio coisas que dão susto e acabei não aguentando sjskdkskddgjdjdhhd( sempre que o jogo apagava a luz eu cobria meu olhos instantâneamente, principalmente na parte do esconde-esconde) O final do esconde-esconde acabou comigo de formas inimagináveis, eu senti tudo que a MC sentiu dentro daquele maldito armário. E a história???? Simplesmente PERFEITA, você vai avançando no finais e vai descobrindo mais e mais, pode apostar que eu não irei esquecer essa experiência tão cedo. Ah! E claro não esqueçam de "Nya-aaa-aaah!" Até a próxima 👁️


Translated from Google:

Muito obrigado por suas amáveis palavras e por jogar! Fico muito feliz em saber que você gostou e sua história. Também estou feliz que os finais tenham sido assustadores e divertidos para você!



DEMAIS MANO, queria poder apagar minhas memórias desse jogo só pra eu sentir tudo de novo, surreal de bom!


What happens if you flip off the cat/it?

A: nothing
B: fight bacc


C: Cat tilts head like it doesn't know what you're doing...

...while it gleefully concocts a way to make you eat your own fingers. All of them, EXCEPT the one you used to flip it off with.

Deleted 130 days ago
Deleted 130 days ago

This game is just incredibly COOL. I have 39 endings out of 40, but after a good ending, I don't even want to break the idyll, lol

I was worried about the relationship between the main character and the cat more than for my own damn

Thank you so much for playing to the end!

decided to play this game and I was not disappointed ! Very cute and definitely not creep at all !! (My gameplay if anyone is interested)


I enjoyed watching your reactions to the endings! I hope you enjoy the rest of the game, thanks for trying it out!

is it possible to add a Simplified Chinese official translation? If so, we can help with that

I'm not able to hire a translator at the moment. I've mostly been letting people do it if they want to or if they're translating for school projects.


man, I wish this game had a fandom :(

you're the reason why i'll try this game

It'd be nice, but some people have started posting stuff; like this awesome art by @ezzyloid on Twitter:


hi, I found out about this game just today and went through it enthusiastically, I really liked it, can I make a Russifier for the game so that I can attract a little attention from Russian-speaking players? If you can't, then nothing, but I think it's important to ask permission first :D

I can help with the translation :)

me too)

yay, little team for translate, where i can contact with you too?

oh, cool, how can I contact you? Sorry for long the long wait

That sounds cool! You can if you want to; thank you very much for asking, I really appreciate it!

thank you very much :D

When does this game end exactly? i am trying to speedrun it but i do not know when it ends.

When you get 35 endings, the game will guide you through the last few. It's over when the credits roll and you get to the final menu screen.

THX. But doesn't accept visual novel games >:(

<trans data-src="I reallylike this game,butI needChinese." data-dst="我真的很喜欢这个游戏,但我需要中文。" style="background: transparent;">我真的很喜欢这个游戏,但我需要中文。</trans>

Translated with Google: 



Wow, you really did not fuck around when you put all these trigger warnings at the beginning. I honestly didn't expect it to get this dark, but I really liked it!! :) 

The Endings are all so unique, I've played through all 40 (even though I had to go back to get End 37 and then had to do the whole 'Left, Ahead, Right' Minigame again ;-;).

I also love that this game is free even though, it is so huge, I audibly gasped when I went to the Endings Menu, expecting like 7 Endings and then being bombarded with 40

tysm for this game, i already recommended this to a friend, keep the good work up! <3

I'm glad you enjoyed the game and all the endings! They were fun come up with!

LOVED THIS VIDEO GAME! The horror is uniquely surprising every time and I can never predict what will happen.Check out my Game Play Below!

I enjoyed your reactions to the endings you played! They were really funny! Thank you for trying out my game!


(=ↀωↀ=)   --"Nya-a-a-a-aaah!"


Absolutely loved this and really want to make a series getting the endings. So good!


Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the rest of the game!



Yeah, unfortunately. 

I contacted Google about it through their report system and email, but it didn't really do anything. All I could do was leave a warning in the comments for people who might try to download it because they want to play it on mobile. I tried downloading it myself a while ago to see if they copied everything, but it was weird -- like a fake unity game that kept loading up ads. I wasn't sure if it was a virus, so I deleted it right away.

Since Google didn't really help, I don't think I'll upload any possible future titles to their Play Store.

Eu amei esse jogo, ele é muito bem desenvolvido e espero que em breve ele tenha uma versão para celular, para mais pessoas participarem dessa experiência incrível por si mesmas

Thank you so much!


Vegan propaganda, nothing wrong with killing mice?!? Creature was designed, by god, (The Christian one) to be eaten. If it wasn't, then why isn't it poisonous? 20 mice often my dinner.

You are right. I like you...

-- I T


great game best hour of my life spent 

Thank you for playing!

Más que un Gato Negro (SHORT GAME by Pixeliminal) | DO NOT TAKE THIS CAT AT HOME (GAMEPLAY). Si te gustan los Videojuegos diferentes, con temas y gráficos especialmente dedicados, con este GAMEPLAY te enseñamos por qué debes jugar a este DO NOT TAKE THIS CAT AT HOME. Con este Short Game by Pixeliminal, Es tu día libre pero el clima realmente te está deprimiendo. Pero... te atrae el sonido distante de algo que te llama... Lo sigues hasta un callejón oscuro y solitario. Y al fondo del callejón, en una caja de cartón... es un gato. Un gato muy lindo. ¿Qué vas a hacer? Quieres egoístamente ¿Ignorarlo y disfrutar de tu día libre? ¿Te harás amigo de él?sólo para abandonarlo de todos modos? O... ¿Te lo llevarás a casa? Seguramente lo harás, ¿verdad? Bien. ¿Quién podría decirle que no a esa cara? Añade este Videojuego a tu WishList y Apoya a los Desarrolladores aquí | #donottakethiscatathome #itchio  @Pixeliminal 

Thank you!


i love that game. 

i love that cat. 

i love that story.

i love that music.

i love that chose.

i love that developer.

i love that color.

i love that meaning.

i love that dog.

i love that eyes.

i love that guy.

i love that cinema.

i love that theatre.

i love that history.

i love that setting.

i love that picture.

i love that room.

i love that phone.

i love that box.

i love that monster.

i love that dialogue.

i love that human.

i love that blood.

i love that meowing.

i love that sound.

i love that paw.

i love that speakin'


I love you!!! ryomensukuns, you are my cat.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

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