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Absolutely loved this and really want to make a series getting the endings. So good!


Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the rest of the game!



Yeah, unfortunately. 

I contacted Google about it through their report system and email, but it didn't really do anything. All I could do was leave a warning in the comments for people who might try to download it because they want to play it on mobile. I tried downloading it myself a while ago to see if they copied everything, but it was weird -- like a fake unity game that kept loading up ads. I wasn't sure if it was a virus, so I deleted it right away.

Since Google didn't really help, I don't think I'll upload any possible future titles to their Play Store.

Eu amei esse jogo, ele é muito bem desenvolvido e espero que em breve ele tenha uma versão para celular, para mais pessoas participarem dessa experiência incrível por si mesmas

Thank you so much!


Vegan propaganda, nothing wrong with killing mice?!? Creature was designed, by god, (The Christian one) to be eaten. If it wasn't, then why isn't it poisonous? 20 mice often my dinner.

You are right. I like you...

-- I T


great game best hour of my life spent 

Thank you for playing!

Más que un Gato Negro (SHORT GAME by Pixeliminal) | DO NOT TAKE THIS CAT AT HOME (GAMEPLAY). Si te gustan los Videojuegos diferentes, con temas y gráficos especialmente dedicados, con este GAMEPLAY te enseñamos por qué debes jugar a este DO NOT TAKE THIS CAT AT HOME. Con este Short Game by Pixeliminal, Es tu día libre pero el clima realmente te está deprimiendo. Pero... te atrae el sonido distante de algo que te llama... Lo sigues hasta un callejón oscuro y solitario. Y al fondo del callejón, en una caja de cartón... es un gato. Un gato muy lindo. ¿Qué vas a hacer? Quieres egoístamente ¿Ignorarlo y disfrutar de tu día libre? ¿Te harás amigo de él?sólo para abandonarlo de todos modos? O... ¿Te lo llevarás a casa? Seguramente lo harás, ¿verdad? Bien. ¿Quién podría decirle que no a esa cara? Añade este Videojuego a tu WishList y Apoya a los Desarrolladores aquí | #donottakethiscatathome #itchio  @Pixeliminal 

Thank you!


i love that game. 

i love that cat. 

i love that story.

i love that music.

i love that chose.

i love that developer.

i love that color.

i love that meaning.

i love that dog.

i love that eyes.

i love that guy.

i love that cinema.

i love that theatre.

i love that history.

i love that setting.

i love that picture.

i love that room.

i love that phone.

i love that box.

i love that monster.

i love that dialogue.

i love that human.

i love that blood.

i love that meowing.

i love that sound.

i love that paw.

i love that speakin'


I love you!!! ryomensukuns, you are my cat.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the game!


"i can fix him"



Do you intend on making an Android release for this game?

(1 edit) (+1)

Pixeliminal has already stated that they doesn't intend to put it on a app store. Check game description  👍

dude this game freak me out fr.. but.. I ENJOY IT ANYWAYS!! GOOD JOB on making this game!!! its an amazing game and i love it!


Thank you!

Idk why but i cant play it T-T i downloaded the pc ver and there's two apps but none open, not even when i try to open as admin

do you have Ren'py?

i dont think so, do i have to install it separately?

That's weird, I'm not sure what the problem could be. You shouldn't need to install Ren'Py.

Did you extract the files first? When you do, in the extracted folder, the application should have an icon with a picture from the game. There's DoNOTTakeThisCatHome (for 64 bit) and DoNOTTakeThisCatHome-32 (for 32 bit). You don't click on the .PY or .SH files.

I did extract and try to use the apps, for some reason every game I install that has two options of apps (the 64 and 32 ones) I can’t open neither, this is not a problem only happening in this certain game I noticed

There are a lot of interesting themes taking place in this game. While it speaks of someone with a really specific history stepping into the positioning of finding It in the alley, I think the feelings of loneliness and desperation can be applied to a lot of connections with form and lose with others. I got every ending (I think!)

I am unfortunately someone who would continue trying to take the cat home until I got absorbed I think. I just.. understand loneliness and having a desperate need to fill a vacancy not with self love and purpose but turning my affection outwards. I have three cats of my own, all rescues or adopted from rescues, so I really enjoyed the true ending. I just wish I could take It from the box and show it how to be real friends. True friends. What love is, and how to return it, and hopefully less of the pain that comes with that kind of connection.

I really like the message at the start of the story as well. I appreciate you, author. I hope you are doing well. Thank you for this experience.


Thank you so much for playing the game! I'm excited to watch your gameplay of it!

I can empathize with your point of view too! The idea that one might have to choose to save their self rather than someone else feels so horrible. It goes against one's own empathy too; the more we understand someone's pain, the more we want to help them! While I don't think it's something everyone can or should do themselves, I believe that kind of self-sacrifice does have its place as a course of action when the time is right and I admire the type of person willing to take that risk -- and I hope that if the time ever comes, I'd be able to do the same.

The times where someone should walk away from a toxic situation that could have had a good outcome, or are forced to walk away due to circumstance are utterly tragic. But I really think that if it didn't end in death, there's hope beyond that tragedy that can sometimes lead to enlightenment in the other person and spark the beginning of them changing, even if it's without the help of the one they hurt or pushed away. At least I'd hope so. We can only ever control our own will to change; we can't force it in others -- not even to save them.

Sorry for the long reply! This game kind of took over my life for nearly a year so I have a lot to say about it and its themes, haha! Thanks again for trying out my game, I'm glad you enjoyed it and its story. I'm doing well and I hope you are too!

(2 edits)

yay i got it to work, Also can you explain where is the code for the ending menu is? i want to try to add endings

It's in screens.rpy file and starts at line 710

I copied the code for the About page and then edited it and added code to make it change as the player got various endings

GAH It finally works

Awesome! I hope you're having fun with your mod!

This was such an exciting game to play and I love the ending!!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Not into horror, but I happened to see this streamed on Twitch and I really enjoyed the art, the creativity in horror aspects, and especially the ending. It made me a little emotional, honestly.

Thank you very much! 

I'm glad you liked it even if you're not into horror! I usually shy from horror myself out of fear, but sometimes something will draw me in and then I can't look away.

I made a banner for Do not take this cat home Third choice, i think i did good?

That looks good! 

I like the choice of random cApiTAL letters to cause uneasiness in the viewer. You could also bring down the saturation on the green text just a little (not too much so it keeps the pop of color) to help it fit more with the background.


Do you plan on releasing more similar games with this style and/or plots? Visual novels with a good plot, deep story, beautiful graphics, and others that genuinely got my blood pumping are treasures. If you do make more games like this on PLEASE LET ME KNOWWW RAHHHHHHH


I hope to! I really enjoyed the process so I'm definitely hoping to make more visual novels or games in general. Next thing might not be horror or a visual novel, but I've grown to love both too much to not come back to them eventually!

oki thank you for responding! Also after the (last?) ending (the one with the new cat) the option to continue the game changes to '...' and after that, the last 4 endings (37,38,39,40) aren't there. Is that the end of the game or am I mistaking anything maybe im just pretty dumb :') Should I continue on with the game? (if that wasn't the ending that is)

You don't have to! It's just a way for people to replay parts of the game without having to start ALL the way over or losing their saves.

ooo, a horror game including human/animal violence and death, abuse/abusive relationship(s), disturbing images and loud noises.. perfect to play at 2;23 AM so i can get traumatised just before i go to sleep!

Maybe get a night light and emergency hot cocoa ready! I hope you enjoy the game!


it was AMAZING. Thank you for this masterpeice of a game. The last ending made me cry because it was so sweet how the player finally got had peace. The game was a mix of sweet and scary at the same time. 10/10 game. I wish i could find more like this

Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

Ok i kinda found out how to add stuff, though im still having trouble adding variables

It depends on what you want to use the variables for -- like storing numbers and persistent data or music and images. Depending on what you want the variables to do, there's different ways to implement them in Ren'py. 

I read forums and stuff to see if there were certain things I could do but I started with watching the videos in these playlists:

Visual Novel Design's "Ren'Py Essentials":

Zeil Learnings's "Visual Novel using Ren'Py":

Learning the basics makes it easier to see what the code in mine and others' Ren'Py games is trying to do. I hope that helps! Good luck!

(1 edit)

If i make a fan "DLC" of the game should i post the entire game or just put the rpy files in a zip and a folder with the custom image the fan dlc would use with a notepad instruction on installing it


option 1: put it as a simple download (entire game)

option 2: put the rpy files in a zip, add the Image folder called "DLC" and have a notepad request to move it to your game folder and if it asks to replace anything hit "yes"

I think option 2 would be best. Thank you for asking!

Curious how is the backgrounds made?

**Sorry this is so late! I wrote this days ago but then came back and saw that had saved my reply, but I hadn't actually pressed "Post reply"!

For most of the backgrounds, I found reference photos on and redrew them at bizarre angles. I heavily edited all of them in Medibang: blurred them out, added chromatic aberration, inverted colors, added overlays with saturated colors or noise for fuzzy effect, etc.


Very few games get emotions out of me. This was one of them. Very well written and it had me on the edge of my seat but somehow ended with me feeling hopeful about my real world decisions. This is a rare gem of a game.


I'm so very happy to hear that, you have no idea. 

That the story would make anyone feel something (especially hope), is always the thing that makes me the happiest to hear. Thank you so much for your kind words and thank you for playing my game.


This game honestly scared the crap out of me. I mean, like covering my eyes and covering the screen scared. Amazing job <3

Thank you so much!

welp.... just found out how

and uhh.

ok im not sure if im able to with your spaghetti code lmao

XD Haha! Sorry to hear that! 

The game code is something only a mother could love -- I had a lot of fun playing trial and error with Ren'py though! I was always so happy whenever I basically went "What if I tried doing this, now?" and it managed to work, haha!

Also thank you for the fanart! It was really cute and creepy!


Anyways Jokes Aside.

What should i use if i wanted to mod this as in add my own options to the game?

Just curious

also i made some fanart for fun


Can i explode the cat with 10 nuclear bombs? thank you


I loved the game! i played for 3 days, was a very good! My favorite part was [redacted]! So creepy!


Thank you so much!

Did anyone get a random file downloaded to their pc named "Persistent" ? When I open it, it's just gibberish but maybe it's a code?

That's the file Ren'py uses that helps the game remember your progress outside of manually saving.


I have never felt more discomforted, afraid, and scared simultaneously. 10/10 would recommend.

Haha! Glad to hear it! Thank you so much!


Came here for a scare, now I'm cutting onions in my room.
And by the way, I created this account just to comment here, the way the story unravels at the ending is  way to relatable to not have so much of experience and life happening around oneself attached to it.
I enjoyed it. Thank you. Nothing much more to say there

I'm honored to hear that! 

Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad the game and its story resonated with you and that you enjoyed it!


Okay I just now finished the game (I have 2 endings left but regardless "finished") and it actually made me cry,,, wtf,,, I was expecting like a shitty little VN that'll take maybe 15 minutes but instead I spent like a handful of hours playing a VERY well written & crafted game, I'm so genuinely shocked that this was made by one person bc of how intricate and finished it is. Very very good story </33,, 10/10 recommend, the whole time I was playing it I was actively going like "holy shit this is crazy", it's so creative & does such a good job of driving the point across it's INSANE

Your comment just made a my day! :D

I'm happy that the game managed to exceed your expectations, haha! Thank you so much for giving it a try!


didn't have other choice to take **IT** home? at final choice. i wanna see what going happend

(1 edit) (+1)

i usually don't write comments and stuff for games or anything at all, but this fucking game. man. just finished streaming it and the last endings made me cry so hard, which hasn't happened to me in such a long time, so i'm just blown away lol.

thank you for making this game! it's amazing, i look forward to any other projects you have in store!

Is it mean if I'm happy to hear that it made you cry?

Honestly though, thank you so much for trying out the game! I'm really glad that you liked it and that its story resonated with you that much!

no, not mean  at all lol! i would also be happy if someone cried bc of a thing i made (depending on if it was positive crying ofc)

and of course! i was immediately interested in it when i saw it under the yandere tag bc a yandere cat is an interesting concept! 


OMG?? This game is absolutely phenomenal?? I went into this game expecting a short experience that I would forget about quickly.  I was NOT ready for what happened. The ending completely caught me off guard (and even made me cry a little bit) !! AMAZING GAME!! I recommend 100% !

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that -- you made me tear up a little bit too!


this was such a good game. I usually don't like horror games on but this one was actually worth downloading

Thank you so much for giving the game a try! I'm glad you liked it!


Just read over 32k words in under 24 hours... like seriously, finished this entire game ( WHILE READING OUTLOUD TO MY FRIENDS ) in  6 hours.. it was absolutely.. perfect.

Thank you so much! I hope you and your friends had fun with the game and enjoyed its story!


Awesome game. I really enjoyed it. Game has good minimalistic art style with small animated parts that add life to it. Story is well written and can be quite deep. Some endings are terrifying (looking at you 10 and 27) and all of them are enjoyable. Nothing bad that i can say about it. But most importantly cat is sure cute :3.

Thank you for your kind words and for trying out the game! I'm glad you liked the game and its story and appreciated the art/animation!

I'm really glad people find the cat cute and memorable! I'm sure it would appreciate that too!


I absolutely love this game! i have been playing it with my girlfriend and it has been a fun and engaging experience! I am yet to get all endings, but i had to leave a review. i never leave reviews on games and this one clearly deserves it. Amazing work Pixeliminal!! I love it!

Thank you so much! I hope you and your girlfriend enjoy the rest of the game and finding all the endings!




LOVE the game so far I got about a little more then half way into the game and had a  blast doing so. Keep it up! heres the long video if you wanna watch lmao

I had a lot of fun watching you play! I hope you enjoy the rest of the game!


I found this in the yandere tag and downloaded it. I am happy that I did because this is one of the best VNS I have read. For a title like this, I found myself crying reading the last ending.
Looking forward to your next project! :)


Thank you so much! That's very kind of you to say. I'm happy that you enjoyed the game!



Istg i didn't expect this game to make me cry. It looks like just another creepy horror game and is, granted a creepy horror game but the overall story and theme make it a REALLY good metaphor for an abusive relationship. Near the end where it's looking at you after you've defeated it and says "i love you" only to switch up immediately after you tell it that you don't believe it hit hard. 10/10 would recommend this game

I'm happy to hear that the story resonated with you! Thank you so much for playing to the end. I really appreciate you giving the game a try!

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