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Seeing your skills and effort, I really hesitated going into ending 4 .  Thankfully it wasn't as bad as I thought. Good game though, very realistic. It would be even more realistic if, after the final ending, the world flash-changed to ending 17.

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad I didn't overdo it in ending 4 too. Ending 17 really would make for a good "bad final ending" thinking about it now!

I really liked the game. I liked the 18 22 34 35 endings the most. Although the ending is good, I am very sad that IT died at the end, I liked THIS, despite what IT did to the other victims. I would like to take THIS at the end, but these are already my wishes, so it doesn’t matter. Game for 11 cats out of 10.

(Sorry for any mistakes if they are present here, I don’t know English well, all this text was done through a translator)

(1 edit)

Good choices! Ending 34 was especially fun to draw and animate. 

It definitely makes sense that you would feel sad about ITs death despite the horriible things IT did to others. Even though it hurt the protagonist in a lot of ways, it also kept the protagonist company, even comforting them sometimes. It's meant to be something like a toxic/abusive relationship -- one that you wouldn't necessarily want to escape from, even if you definitely should. Hard to want to walk away from a cute cat after all.

I'm glad you liked the game! Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+2)

I just want to say that I really enjoyed playing your game. It was really fun! It was really well made and I look forward to your future projects! So I have a theory about the game.....


I feel like that the interaction of the cat  with the protagonist symbolizes what a toxic/abusive relationship is like. The cat sounded really possessive of the protagonist, never wanting them to leave them, to always be with them, just like how one being in a toxic relationship is like.

At the endgame endings, it was hinted that the protagonist had  a rough childhood, suffering abuse from their parents and never got their love. This might be the reason why they probably suffer from depression and anxiety as they're growing up. So, because of this, they yearned to be loved and cared for, something they never experienced in their childhood.  Therefore, when they left home (or were kicked out) they met this person and for once, felt content that they could finally experience the love they always yearned for. And to be needed as well. But, in time, I think that person took advantage  of the protagonist's situation, thus the manipulation, gaslighting and guilt-tripping started, knowing full well that they would never leave them and needs their love. Also, I think because of this toxic relationship, it's why the protagonist never had friends anymore. It is what the person wanted, for them to be alone so that they'll be always theirs.

Even at the end, when the protagonist escapes from the cat, you can hear the cat pleading for them to stay, that they'll die without them. The protagonist finally had enough of this abusive relationship, so they ended it and so the person resorts to begging, promising them they would never hurt them again.  It's a case that happens a lot in these toxic relationships.

But the protagonist persisted and finally broke free from their chains. They are slowly moving on from their past relationship, and with baby steps, they even made friends so they are hopeful of what their future lies for them. (Also with the help of that cute kitten!)

I might be looking to0 deep into this but that's my theory hehe :)


I appreciate the in-depth response!

Spoilers below!

It was  definitely my intention to write the relationship formed with the cat as a toxic/abusive one. The cat uses a lot of tactics to keep the protagonist in its clutches (you probably noticed that not ALL of the endings were too bad or even ended the protagonist's death) -- isolation, threats, emotional manipulation, making you think you were the one in control when really the cat was the one controlling the limited "choices" the entire time.

The backstories were actually from three of the cat's many past victims, the ones who help you escape at the end of the game -- that's why their bell chime plays at the beginning of each story. They're trying to reach you as you progress to help you wake up and see that the cat actually does have a reason for choosing the people it calls out to -- it targets vulnerable people who have low opinions of themselves, who feel alone and abandoned, and who desperately want to be seen, heard and loved.  Even though the protagonist genuinely does like their solitude, everyone gets lonely from time to time and the cat caught them on a bad day, making them vulnerable to its tricks.

I liked your analysis/theory though! You really captured the depth of what the people in the backstories endured before being targeted by the cat.

Thanks again and I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Certified Pixeliminal Banger


Thank you!

(1 edit)

This was absolutely a DELIGHTFUL experience in every sense of the word. I teared up hard at the true end. All the other endings had me super engaged as well. (And very satisfying to get without use of a guide!!) I can just tell that so much hard work and love was poured into this game. And the art!!!! My god the art!!!!! Even with all the atrocities the kitty committed it only made me miss having a cat more and more. It’s so adorable yet freaky when it needs to be. It’s perfect for this!!! I’m gonna be thinking about this game for a long, long time.

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed the different endings. I promise I like cats despite the horrible things the cat does!

nice novel

Thank you!


Pretty well-made. Ending 35 is my favorite. Ending 4 is my absolute least favorite because I sure can't handle jumpscares. I also beat Hard Mode for you-know-what. Ausum gamer indeed, completing an ausum game.


Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it! Ausum reward for an ausum gamer!


Great game, thanks for making it!

I almost felt a little bad at the end there.  Almost.


Thanks, I had a lot of fun making it! And thank you for playing it!


Gave it a Let's Play, and my progress so far, maybe getting into it. 


That was fun! Hope you enjoy the rest of the game!



Holy macaroni and cheese sticks that was a LONG LOOOONG ride/pos, absolutely zero regrets downloading this, an absolute BLAST of a time
With games that have multiple endings like this, I tend to bookmark them all :D and... well... this game sure does have a LOT of endings, doesnt it? So !! Here they be !! And also all my casual thoughts alongside them for flavour
. . . I have a lot to say man idk

Ending ?: "Nya-t A Fool"
(Oh yeah a cat loving the taste of blood is totallyyy normal cat behaviourr for sureeeeee)
(Oh yeah the apartment CONVENIENTLY losing power is definitely not from the demon cat,,, noooo)
(the heartbeat sound effect is really nice ngl,,,)
(Oh sweet it's got mind warping abilities we just felt like throwing up at the idea of kicking it out :D)
(WOAH !! Actual shivers ran up my spine just then with that audial "Let's Play~" that jumped between my two earbuds vgbjrev EW OMG gotta do a body shake to get that essence off of me UGH/pospospos)
(Oh our front door is open :D That's just delightfulllll)
Ending 0: "It Begins"
(Said no to cat)
(Sweet !! Lovely lil theatre)
(Oh that's nice the cat appeared in this one too,,,, lovely,,,,,)
Ending 18: "Happy Birthday"
(I'm a kitty just like them now :D Kinda,,,,,,, ngl i wanna be that at peace,,, This is why I like hypnosis fics get me in on that action !!)
Ending 17: "Black Sheep"
(Ahahahah everyone in the world except us got bapped by the cat gene yessir)
Ending 19: "You Beat The Maze :D"
(Don't smile at me knowing you condemned me to eternal suffering !! I'm still proud I got it first try honestly)
Ending 20: "You Failed The Maze :("
(Yeah it was on purpose thanks)
Ending 21: "d o g  person"
(I mean I aint a fan of dogs either but woah that was SOMETHING :D)
(Oh hey they have an Endings category :D)
Ending 12: "Targeted"
(Damn, who coulda foreseen laser pointers being so deadly :pensive:)
Ending 10: "You Are What You Eat"
(Mystery Food is me actually :D)
Ending 8: "Fish Out Of Water"
(Who knew sardines shouldnt be fed to demon cats man,,,)
Ending 9: "Leftovers"
(heheh byebye hand)
Ending 7: "Personal Boundaries"
(Yeah neither of us have it :D I disrespected kitty's want to stop, so kitty disrespected when I wanted to stop, very fair)
Ending 11: "At The End Of Your Rope"
(heheh puns)
(Oh ?? A little mini interlude ??? How...nice)
(How did it get in your room? WELL GOOD LORD DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU--)
Ending 13: "Disappointing Prey"
(Look broski I'm sorry </3)
(Tried route again to see if I could be a better hider and...nope...sorry demon kitty I tried !!)
Ending 15: "Self-Care Buddies"
(We're such good friends bro :D)
Ending 14: "Bath Hater"
(You and me both kitty (okay but baths do actually be really nice))
Ending 1: "A Not So Clean Getaway"
Ending 2: "Double Trouble"
Ending 4: "Real "Subtle""
(I love when games and shows rag on themselves lmao, that was great (i am not shaking no not at all what do you mean))
(That . . . That wasn't the cover photo for the main menu before, was it? No...It's pupils were circles before, right..?)
(Oh hi not-me that moves on the screen when I did not :D)
(Oh delightful the cat is an eldritch horror, look at it, living best life)
Ending 3: "Silent Film"
(Hahah that ending name has Quite a few layers to it)
Ending 6: "Just A Cat Nap"
(I slept for years, didn't I? Or rather, the kitty did, and we couldn't move to go about our days. Just CRUMBLING to pieces whenever we so much as try.)
(Lowkey love the conditioning present in that one though,,, just the doubt and the fear and the learned acceptance of our own powerlessness.... MMMM/pos)
Ending 5: "Do Nyaa-t Disturb"
(I would never </3 But for the All Endings I Must !!! Apologies kitty)
(I've gone back and am now doing the routes available when I DONT immediately take the kitty and feeding it and looking through our pockets for food finds us string and !! And the intestines ending !!!! "At The End Of Your Rope" !!!!)
("It doesnt even know--" Oh trust me its Well Aware what you almost did)
(Yeah, see, it's giving you all "how dare you" thoughts, that aint you bbg, thats ALLLL demon kitty)
(heheh big ol fish)
Ending 24: "Fishing For Pardon"
(And we're BACK to the big numbers folks !!! Let's go :D)
(I'm sorry little mouse....)
(Oh our little demon kitty doesnt like its food being taken by someone other than itself...)
Ending 27: "Well Fed"

went for a break bcuz laptop flat and needed food, i return now

(Dont you angry mreow at me kitty!!!! I'm putting my foot down !!! You're not getting this mouse!!!!)
(Yes I am, in fact, putting the life of the mouse above yours kitty. Sorry, I want all the endings here tsk tsk)
(OOO THE CAT EYES DID DID A THING !! OOOOOOOO heheh i love when that happens)
(Mocking you?!?!? NO !! NEVER !!! You're my precious lil demon kitty who has killed me numerous times !! There's no Mocking of you, I'm just saying you CANT have the lil mousey)
(No, you dont GET the prey >:{ Putting my foot down !!)
(oh sweet giant paw :D)
Ending 26: "A life spared"
(oooo lowercase,,, it REALLY disapproves of my actions, huh?? giggling)
(Ooo new dialogue lore,,,, we made a deal with the demon, didn't we? It's why we can loop like this. Why it's possible. Because we promised, as did the demon, that we would Never Ever Leave)
(oohhhh the really simple language threw me off but that was super cool !!)
(I love the giant yellow eyes :>)
(Clicking '???' in the feed kitty option gave me a "not yet"....... suspicious :D)
(HEHHEHEHE IT !! KEEPS !!!! BUILDING !!!!!!! We just profusely apologised after seeing the chocolate in our hands im vibrating with glee, gods, i love callbacks)
(HEHEHEHEH OMGGGG DEMON KITTY JUST MESSAGED ME !! HOW SWEET :D Aww they cant even spell correctly <3)
(I will ignore you darling sorry love you so much you lil murderer not-at-all cat <3)
(I cant come back my love :pensive:)
(Heheh big ol' eyes :3 staring. right. into. my. soul)
(oh you can See Me ??? REALLY?)
(Always,,,, watching,,,,)
(NO I CANT HIDE IT DOESNT LET ME :{{{{{ (references to previous gameplay, intentional or otherwise, my beloved))
(heheheh owo)
Ending 31: "Headshot"
(oooo the yellow eyes in the mirror,,,)
Ending 30: "Photo Bomber"
(bombard me with messages to your hearts desire little demon kitty !!)
(oh that was fun :D I played red light green light and didnt even die !!!)
Ending 33: "eRRoR FoUnD"
(I got to spell out Back Up !!! :D !!! The Demon Kitty's confusion too at me doing it <3)
Ending 32: "Fear Quitter"
("ungrateful little monster" now now player, dont be getting Too rash with those thoughts doesnt take kindly to such DISRESPECT)
(oh that was some NICE animation transition from the cat looking at you to lunging at you and NOM like,,, that was so pretty actually)
Ending 35: "Cotton Headed"
(Once again, I ADORE the double meaning in the name,,, I'm literally made of cotton but I also have no thoughts aloud inside my head that arent in service of demon kitty !!!)
(*picks up plushie again* what could go wrong oh its ALIVE NOW :D)
Ending 34: "Living Doll"
(The indecipherable look of "Thanks for the new kitten I can train and love but like...unnecessary of you to die on me")

Ten More Endings To Go..........

(Got confused wondering where I could go from here and then remembered I hadn't tried leaving and returning yet so here I am doing that :D)
(I love the soundtrack and whenever it cuts out <3 OOO THAT LINE !! Yeah you cant trust this cat, you right, but its so cute like this, isnt it? So sweet and pure. . . . Dont you just want to take it home?)
(Oh :D heyyy all my options are.. weirdly capitalised now :> joy)
(back to the kitty again after the puppy was all discoloured and my only option was "p u p p y")
(this is going wonderfully, kitty's pupils are now slits !!!!)
(option to enter the maze is all wonky and backwards oooo)
(all the options were needed to go back to kitty :> All roads lead back to demon cat)
(heheh creepy movement of the face :D)
(rip to eeping but also like... That's a new kitty face configuration !!! Woah :0 !! the eyes arent even or the same size!!)
Ending 23: "Feedback Loop"
(well that was fun, now what)
Ending 22: "Not Alone"
(I love how the ending to this one has the cat demon's eyes with us in the end card, it really sells that Not Alone part../pos)

(Okay, I've gotten stuck, and I've taken to reading the descriptions of the Endings to see where I may be able to get the rest of them. I'm giggling at how Innocent the descriptions make it out to be, they're so right actually, it's so true everything they're saying. That is All That Happened :])
(Endings are top-tier, but I'm gonna have to go get that walkthrough,,, damn, was doing so well without it too :\)
(sudden train !!!!)
(truck?? *GASPS* TRUCK-KUN ?????/ref)
Ending 16: "Poor Screening Arrangements"
(I love how it starts to gnaw against our POV character things like how they'll profusely apologise seeing the chocolate again or the yarn string ,,, it just makes me so happy)
(Oh wow that's a lot of repetition for what we're Deserving of, huh/pos)
(Demon kitty is VERY displeased....)
(nope just fish, no mermaid)
(aww we're not big enough to feed all the kitties :( )
Ending 25: "Seafood Sacrifice"
(Great day for the Ghostie community!!!)
(oh i love this black and white (except for the red of our blood and the yellow of the kittys eyes) style so much :0!!!)
(I mean, demon kitty caught their prey fair and square, it's only right they get to F E E D)
(still... im sorry stranger)
(yeah we feel a little shattered on the inside :{)
Ending 29: "All You Can Eat Blood-fey"
(heheh buffet)
(Oh sweet I am READY thanks game :D)
(I still got another ending to get tho)
Ending 28: "Personal care package"
(mm yeah mc is not doing too well,,,,)
(NEW OPENING TO GO ??? I makes sense. We're down to our last endings after all... the final 4.....)
(I have been enjoying myself !! Quite a lot :D I'm still salty I forgot those two options and had to get the walkthrough when I coulda done it all on me own but !! Yes, splendid time has been had <3)
(oh :0 we just... skipped the entire discovery of the cat in alleyway scene,,, gasp)
(me oh my what to do with a n a u g h t y  c a t)
(giggling, jyst for the funnies I clicked the hint button again and again until it yelled at me the answer, twas great)
(Blood splatters !!!!)
(*gasps* omg... I ate the chocolate. That sent shivers down my spine ngl.....)
(There is nothing beyond the alleyway....... Just empty, dark V O I D)
(GASP !! DEMON KITTY LIVES :D heheh nine lives)
Ending 36: "Eight more left"
(8 more lives......)
(Oh that is DEFINITELY not the original title card !!! Hello !!!! even the "this cat" has changed to IT !! That is horrifyign :D)
(New dialogue to start us off with again :D aaaa never believing in unconditional love....)
(We've been daydreaming..? gasps......)
(Yeah you did get me back kitty demon :> killing me after I killed you,,, alls fair in love and daydreams, huh?)
(You're so right kitty, it doesnt matter what you are or if youre an alien or god or demon or a lil kitty, youre Mine :> or, well, i suppose it just matters what you can do, huh?)
(I do have proof demon kitty *holds up my two kitties* these lil shits couldnt pull this stuff if they tried)
(awww i wanna know demon kitty's name :{)
(I wasnt the one that was rude !!!!)
(We weren't chosen for a special reason,,, alas,,,,,)
(I offered myself as a meal to be consumed, we are no more)
(All these eyes... they were fellow victims all along?)
Ending ???: "Perish The Thought"
(Oh perish the thought !! Why RAPUNZEL !! I guess I always knew this day was coming... that soon youd want to leave the nest !!!/lyr)
(yeah i can just leave its called i dont owe you shit bitch :>)
(Yeah i knowwww you coulda eaten me earlier butcha Didnt and THAT is not my responsibility)
(Awwww hehehe we're not used to making our own internal monologue dialogue :D)
(Thank you to all the souls <3 Also, I didnt realise there was like... visual cues until about 3/4 into the AVOID DEMON CAT minigame so I was just randomly guessing and developing a pattern jgervf3rf anyway, im way too soft bcuz its meows snagged at my heartstrings...if that was me, i woulda gone back ngl.......sounds so pitiful :{ It'll die !!)
(heheh sludge :> lil sludge demon cat)
(no grammar, no capitals, it really gives that successful vibe across that lil demon cat is...well...weak. Dying.)
Ending 38: "Do NOT Take This Cat Home"
(heheh I did it :D I...still need to join the kitty though,,,,)
(I also love the adorable mismatched plushie we won at the carnival, thank you pov character)
(Me when a game about a demon cat does so good demonstrating how it feels to be in a toxic relationship with someone,,, and what letting go of them feels like to people,,,, gah !!/pos)
Ending N/A: "Another Day..."
(oh shit credits lmao--)
(Yeah sorry kitty I absolutely am going to betray you again after this to get the thing back to No Cat In Box time)
(But hey :})
Ending 37: "F o r e v e r"
(Why yes I would in fact be doing that, going back on my promise, sorry kitty, hate to be a bother but,,, :})
(And we now have an empty box again. . . peace. tranquility. relief.)

WOW that was a ride, wooo boi alright, okay, WOOO alright !! That took TWO whole battery sessions for my laptop :D
(it lasts like 2 and a half hours roughly... jesus,,,/pos

This game is SOOO much longer than you'd expect looking at the cover art and it is WORTH IT 

20/10 game honestly, I had a GREAT time if all my reactions didn't give such a strong indication !! Thank you for creating :D absolutely splendid, gods... 40 endings,,,


Oh. My. GOD. I was living the entire time reading this! Reactions like yours are the biggest reason why I wanted to make something like this. 

It's the first game I've ever made, never mind first visual novel.  It took so long, I always worried if it was even going to be interesting or entertaining at all. 

But this reminded me how much I love making people happy telling stories, even if it means taking a risk to put myself out there. I'm really glad you enjoyed it!


I'm so glad you had such a fun time reading through my comment !! I was a little worried if you would be overwhelmed by the massive wall of text but I'm glad you loved it so much !!!

I noticed that you didn't have a "check out other stuff by Pixeliminal" option but I didn't realise this was genuinely your first game !! Trust me, imposter syndrome is a bitch, especially when it comes to creating and putting something out there for the first time. I literally could not put this game down! If I could, I'd go back in time just to relive it all over again !! Maybe postpone playing it to clear my tabs of the other games on my to-do list because playing anything else after THIS lovely masterpiece of a game feels underwhelming, even when I know there's more gems like this to be found and enjoyed to this same degree! Don't worry, you absolutely nailed interest and entertainment for this game, it kept me invested all the way through, and the design is just so warm and that just makes the horror even BETTER when it does strike !! You did so SO good dude, you are deserving of all the love you're getting already for this game. And all the love you'll get in the future.

I'm glad you put yourself out here too !! Because, as I said, this game was an utter delight to play. The visuals, the soundtrack, the way you did the options, the mini games like the maze and Escape Demon Kitty? Everything was so well-done, I'm proud FOR you that you could accomplish this well-polished of a game as your first true venturing into designing, creating and manufacturing your own game! Of course, it's obvious such a polish comes from how much you overthought and compensated for the idea that people wouldn't like it, but STILL!! It's an absolutely beautiful game, and I have zero regrets picking it up.

I'm actually going to click the follow button for you now because if anything you put out in the future (not that there's any pressure at all to make more. You could just be a one-hit wonder and I would be delighted), then I want to be here for it! Whether it's even a quarter as good as this one, you've got heart and talent for where you want to go. You've got a great sense of vision, and storytelling. I want to see where it can go!

Gjwfgvehrgvf Apologies for the long ramble in response to the comment, I'm a big talker, most of my comments tend to be like analysis of techniques and all the stylistic things I liked. You didn't get as much of that because I was half-asleep, mainly ctrl+c'ing and my laptop was about to die as I posted the comment, but trust me, everything you did for the game, I noticed and I adored !! I usually tack on my bookmarking comments to my comments, but yours is mostly just that because you had so much content for me to talk about IN my bookmark.

Literally just, whatever it was that went into doing this? Keep doing that! Safely of course, don't overwork yourself! Keep yourself fed, watered and properly nutrionalised by the sun! 

The fact it took so long is a GOOD thing !! It means you put time, effort and care into your game and that SHOWS with how well-made it is. I may be repeating myself, but really, it's just my way of trying to bap away at the imposter syndrome through the screen rgvf3fr

Keep doing what you're doing. No matter how well-made, it clearly is worth doing.


I really appreciate it! I'll keep doing my best!


WOW I should've read how long this'd take lol BUT IT WAS WORTH IT SUPER GOOD GAME, GAME DEV! I think I'd still take him home tho :D

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It was fun watching your reactions!

(3 edits) (+1)

Where's the Load button for saves? 
[Edit]: OOoh I see.


Don't worry, that's supposed to happen. The game will hide the load button at certain parts of the story (Example: until the prologue is completed) and will even temporarily change its function once you've met certain conditions. All part of the story!


Thanks for the response and clarification!


No problem!

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