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So many endings


This is the best cat game and visual novel on this site. It does bother me that the "Nyat a fool" (I don't remember if it was a pun or not) ending doesn't show up in the endings tab, it would be nice if it showed 41/40. I enjoyed the other jokes and easter eggs on the endings tab though :3 (Like like helpless being crossed out on 26 if you have 27 and being AuSUM)

I'll pay you when I'm not broke srry

(1 edit)

This game was so good I had to get involved with my account

honestly, kinda upset I saw this soon, because that means I have to wait so long for another gam :(

No worries about paying! Thank you so much for playing the game!

I loved the game! It was spooky enough that it gave me goosebumps but it was interesting enough that I had to keep playing! At some point I got an error message saying "couldn't find 'normalIBGs/street02.png'" after hitting continue. It seems like it worked fine after I closed the game and reopened it but I figured it might be worth mentioning

Seriously though, great game! I'm surprised it was free to be honest

Thanks for letting me know! I tried looking for the error but couldn't find it. I'll keep searching, and thank you so much for playing!


But I'm different, I swear! If I do a daily blood sacrifice to the feline overlord, I swear I'll live long enough for the cat to actually love me and I'll get to pet its belly

All joking aside, this is an amazing game. I didn't quite get the intended theme at first (I thought it was about OCD) but I do think this is a pretty good game regardless! You did capture the balance between fearing the cat and loving it pretty well -I dreaded the scary moments and did get tired of the torment after I ran out of choices to make, but also went back repeatedly and tried to figure out if there was some right combination of actions that would let you love the cat, and was disappointed that there was no redeeming the monster in the end -even after everything, I still would take the cat home. (I mean this as positive feedback, to be clear.) 10/10 very recommend

I know you aren't planning on making any sequels, but if you did ever have more ideas for this fucked up feline nightmare, I'd love to see it


Thank you for the kind comment and for your thorough exploration of the game! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

me petting my cat simulator but a horror game


Basically XD Thanks for playing!

bro i just finished the game took all the 40 endings and i have no words to describe so maybe i will talk a little more later when my brain is more calm BUT IT IS A VERY GOOD GAME!!!!


Thank you so much!

i feel the artstyle would work for a nice cosy game about kitties


Thank you!

(2 edits) (+5)

yeah this is dog person propaganda



N-No! I love cats too, I swear! XD


simply amazing


Thank you!

My super, super favorite game aah, aah

Ah (someone who likes blood art

I would like to ask how to replay the game, after all this is my first visual novel and I have no experience 💥


Thank you so much for playing!

If you want to play again with a full reset, you'll have to delete ALL save/persistent data from TWO files -- one in the folder where you installed the game AND one in these platform-specific locations on your computer:

## Windows: %APPDATA%\RenPy\<config.save_directory -- Game save folder>

## Macintosh: $HOME/Library/RenPy/<config.save_directory -- Game save folder>

## Linux: $HOME/.renpy/<config.save_directory -- Game save folder>

Omg first time I got a reply from a foreigner 🎶 Thank you very much for your help, I will work harder to understand the basic operation of the computer in the future! If I could, I would recommend your awesome game to all my friends! Some of the sentences were translated by machine, so it does not read very colloquial, 🦆 sorry about this. By the way, on the Bilibili website, there is only one video about this game. I want to encourage fan creation of this game in China 👍🏻

So much fun!! Every segment is super fun and creative and worth playing through. I'm so glad I managed to luck out when choosing a random game to play. Tysm for sharing this with the world!


I'm glad you had fun! Thank you so much for playing my game!

i never got to take it home :( in the end i destroyed it and made it angry :*(

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry ;_;

At least you got another little kitten at home? :')

(1 edit)

i did get a cute kitten in the end but the sad lonely one who kept trying to keep people close to him because he was lonely died, now i only have one kitty :(

heya! my endings are marked that i have 28 endings done (including ending 0) but i dont have the special option. I have tried quitting the game, but it isnt working.


Are you trying to restart the game completely? If you've played before, it will remember where you left off.

If you want to play again with a full reset, you'll have to delete ALL save/persistent data from TWO files -- one in the folder where you installed the game AND one in these platform-specific locations on your computer:

## Windows: %APPDATA%\RenPy\<config.save_directory -- Game save folder>

## Macintosh: $HOME/Library/RenPy/<config.save_directory -- Game save folder>

## Linux: $HOME/.renpy/<config.save_directory -- Game save folder>

If you're trying to reveal the endgame option, you'll need to complete endings 0-35 first


Thank you so much!


Me trying to find cute games: OH LOOK! A LIL KITTY-

The Game: WARNING- This game is not suitable for children or the easily disturbed.


Haha! Sorry for the misleading artstyle! It is technically cute XD

Oh no, it's VERY cute. I don't mind dying if that little thing is the last view I ever see.


Windows defender keeps flagging this game when trying to launch it. 


If you click "more info", it should show a button that says "run anyway"


As DustinYDU said, you can click "more info" to "run anyway". 

It's safe, Windows is just confirming if you know what you're downloading/running.


i absolutely adored the game! i find the visuals and symbolim very charming and delightful . love the effort put in every route . and the soudtracks match every scenes . overall i enjoyed playing it and had fun collecting all endings


Thank you very  much! I'm glad you had fun!


That was a roller coaster of emotions I think I needed. Playing through all 40 at once felt tiring at first but I became satisfied with the true ending and the story as a whole. Thank you for making this crazy, Insane, horrifying, and adorable? Game.

Thank you for playing all the way through to the end! I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Scary Scuffed Games #303

Vorgeschlagen von: ???

Sehr cooles Visualnovel, sehr facettenreich, mit Animationen, süßen illustrationen und einigen Momenten die mich hinterfragen lassen ob das Spiel mit absicht wollte, dass ich nicht speicher.

Sehr mysteriös und erinnert mich vergleichsweise an Slay the Princess!


Dito: 4.3/5

Chat: 4.14/5

Gesamt: 4.22/5


Translated by Google: Vielen Dank, dass Sie das Spiel ausprobiert haben! Ich bin froh, dass es dir gefällt!

Continuing the adventure and didn't expect this scenario!


Expect the unexpected, haha! Glad you're enjoying the game so far!

I associate this game with Weird Al because I was listening to one of his songs while playing this.

I'll take that as a compliment, haha! Thanks for playing!

Here's PART 2 of my playthrough of this game. The more endings I unlock... the more effed this cat is... I STILL WANNA TAKE IT HOME THO!

Haha! XD Glad you're having fun so far!

Oh yeah, I'm 100% having fun with this game! I never know what to expect!

damn I was thinking of adopting a cat but after this game maybe I should just get a dog XD

(1 edit)


Haha! XD I like cats too, I swear!

so are you gonna make a dog spin off Lmao



I don’t comment on stuff much or at all, but I felt like I should. To not only say how amazing this game is but also to share my interpretation and theory on it.

Though first I just wanna say this game was amazing. The music, story, animation, dialog, and well everything! this really does a good job of being emotional, but also creepy at the same time. Even having so many endings. It takes a lot of time and effort to do something like this, having each ending be so unique. Overall it was an enjoyable experience that I’d even love to share with my friends!

Now here’s not only my opinion/interpretation but also my theory on the game.

The first one I wanted to get on was how “IT” has no “true” identity. As it does suggest many things we never really get to know what “IT” is. Which I think is a clever move. Making “IT” or the cat not have a true identity gives way to many ideas, interpretations, or theories like mine.

But I don’t think “IT” has an identity but is more so a concept or the reality of a toxic, abusive, and manipulative relationship. As we see at the start of the game when we first meet the cat, we see it as something cute, and innocent. However, as we continue, the protagonist starts to feel weird about the cat. Not seeing it as the monster we later see it as in the end. The protagonist doesn’t see that yet though, but after dream after dream, we start remembering things. Questioning whether we should take it or not.

Here’s where the idea of it being a concept of a toxic relationship. When finishing many of the dreams we see a pattern. The cat is always targeting us, over and over. Lashing out and killing us in many ways, torturing, stalking, and manipulating us. Which can be seen as toxic or abusive, but what gets you is that not every ending is bad. We do get a few “good” endings where the cat is either there for us or helps us. This can make it hard for the person to leave or realize the other is the one hurting them, they don’t wanna believe that they’re the monster. Even though time after time we are more hurt than helped in these endings. Not to forget the manipulation.

When we go to the park and see dogs the cat becomes aggressive. Telling us to kill or drop the puppy we see. Manipulating us into thinking the dog is evil in a way is dangerous.

An when we get to the “true ending” you can see that the protagonist is going through grief. Going back to the alley, blaming themselves, and questioning the choices they made. even though they’re free from this toxic abuse it still leaves a huge scar on them, but they push through. Stepping out of their comfort zone and paying attention to their needs and wants.

There is a good amount of evidence to support this theory, but that’s up to the player to decide what they think the cat or the concept of this game is about. Of course, I’d love to write more about what I think but typing does hurt -v-”

But I wanna say this. If anybody is having a difficult time in life, don’t give up. Yes, it’s easier said than done, but keep going. even if it’s just waking up in the morning showering or simply getting out of bed. That is already a big achievement. c: even I myself have gone through traumatic stuff and have suffered a lot of pain. I still do. but I keep going, I keep waking up. Getting through every day, even if it’s hard and I feel like ending it all, I still push through. Presist. Don’t give up. keep pushing! I believe in you. I might not know you but… doesn’t mean I can’t believe in you. you deserve love and happiness. so keep going! you’re worth more than you may think!!! ^^

Thank you for this comment because I was innitaly lost assuming it as just self hatred but this makes much more sense.


Thank you for the wonderful comment! I enjoyed reading your thoughts and interpretations, and your analysis was pretty spot on!

I agree completely with your message, as well. Taking your time, being kind with yourself and acknowledging and appreciating each baby step taken forward is so important to healing and growing.

Thanks again for the comment, and thank you very much for playing my game!

Great game


Thank you!

(1 edit)

Is it weird that I felt bad leaving the cat? I really hope the cat at the ending is the same being...It grew on me.

And yes, I'm aware of the whole metaphor about abuse...I know what it says about me and my relationships (working on it).

Great game by the way!!


It's meant to make you hesitant to leave, so it's not weird that you felt bad. It shows that you have a lot of empathy and compassion. 

Thanks so much for playing!

Usually i hate visual novel games, however this is one i now adore, i binged this game, so glad i did!


Thank you for trying out the game! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

This game was amazing out of all the endings I got 16 and 1 !!!!

Thank you very much!


I love it so much, I made  fanart!


Awesome! So cute and creepy <3

Deleted 82 days ago

This game is something else, it was so good, the story, the diffrent endings and it was easy to figure out. Why are you not selling this for money developer?

The only thing I would change is the in-game (the scenarios), the menu line at the bottom to be more clean and not just writing and done.

I would highly recommend doing all endings by yourself. Just remember, if something has the same answer as before, it does not give an ending.


Thank you very much for playing! It was my first game, so I figured I'd release it for free.

Here's a video to help you get the hidden achievement in Mirror Maze Hard Mode. I hope this helps! I am so scared of cats now it's not even funny

(3 edits)

Omg this is so good! I wish it would work on Skill brower (if you can which i dont believe so, please tell.)  or have some way to play on ipad/phone but from all the gameplay it is awesome! Also i love the music :33

Art: 10/10

Music: 10/10

Accessable: normal computer game

In all game? 10/10!

Happy cat lovers!


Thank you very much!

Sorry, I won't be able to release it on mobile/android

Okie! That's fine!! I'll make sure to come by on my computer sometime! :3

game good, uh there is secret ending i got at the beginning but it wont save it even after i get prologue so now i have only 1 left i need to do, this is just a tiny thing, focus on other stuff, drink water and be safe :]


Thank you very much for playing!

just finished playing  part one and ill have to say that the plot seem so fun and I'm in love....ill be playing part 2 very soon.


Thank you for trying out the game! I hope you like the rest of it!


Android when :3


I'm sorry, unfortunately it won't be possible with this game!

what about iphone?

this is amazing i would love a sequel


It won't have a sequel, but I appreciate the thought! Thank you for trying out the game!

i loveee itt


Thank you!



Thank you for giving the game a try! I hope you enjoy the rest of it!

When will become mobile game, really want to play!


Sorry, mobile/android conversion doesn't seem possible with the program I used to make the game


such a cute game! i loved it, 10/10


Thank you so much for donating, I really appreciate it! I'm glad you liked the game!

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