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Btw, I'm using it to teach english to my sister!

That's awesome! I'm glad the game could be helpful in that way!

Best game ever! Gives me Lovecraft and Coraline vibes all of the time. Great storylines and ending(s)!

Those were among many inspirations for the game, so that's quite the compliment! Thank you very much!

(1 edit)

This is literally the best game I played in my LIFE! (not including the slight trauma that I got but I can bare with it) Tbh I'd take this cat [monster] home no matter what <3

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the game!

Hey pixie! So I've been binging playthroughs of your game and, my cat shadows brother had died in a horrible tornado, what makes it worse is that I'm in a different country, my parents are babysitting them, it isn't in my parents control for life and death so I don't blame them for having my cat passing away, not their fault anyway, seeing your success in a game makes me smile, I see that anyone can succeed if they work hard, and I've also enjoyed your game sooo much, thanks for making such an amazing game, and making my day.

I'm so sorry to hear about Shadow's brother. The death of a beloved pet is never easy so I hope that you're able to find a little comfort in the memories you shared with him.

thanks for the kind words. I hope you find success in future projects if you have any. 


I really love this game and I'd like to play it again from the beginning, but I cant understand how to reset the progress:(
Thanks in advance and thanks to the developer for this game<3

What's ur os?

Windows 11

(1 edit)

Alright, first press the windows key.

Now type %APPDATA% and press enter.

Now, select the folder that says "renpy" and open.

Then delete the folder that looks something like "do not take this cat home".

Then reopen the game, tell me if the game doesnt restart.

(1 edit)

It didn't work:(


yw :|)


just beat the game. I LOVE IT

Thank you very much!


This game is so so so good. I usually don't post comment anything but i really enjoyed playing this, and even cried lol.

Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the game!

Here to talk to past self. It won't let me because it says it may not be free from Malware. Does anyone know how to get rid of that Malware warning??

Absolutely! Search up Malwarebytes, SuperAntiSpyware, and Avast Antivirus download them all, run every file on your computer, Avast will scan the files, after that, any worms that have infect the video game file "do not take this cat home" will have been deleted

Hi! So, I tried to get the game, and I have an apple computer. It doesn't let me download it. I mean once I go to my files or what ever, it doesn't let me open it. Does anyone know how to fix it?  

Unzip the file

How do you restart the game completely? the game was completly amazing but I really wanna play it all over again like compleatly is their a way to?

Thank you very much for playing!

If you want to play again with a full reset, you'll have to delete ALL save/persistent data from TWO files -- one in the folder where you installed the game AND one in these platform-specific locations on your computer:

## Windows: %APPDATA\RenPy\<config.save_directory>

## Macintosh: $HOME/Library/RenPy/<config.save_directory>

## Linux: $HOME/.renpy/<config.save_directory>

i finished it all in one day INSANE game (in a good way) when IT began to cry i couldn't help but feel really bad for it (maybe its a part of me too LOL) but i cant figure out one of the ending i think its the very last one yk when the game goes back to normal after everything all the endings are just the same and its saying i didnt get the final ones but i have saves from them am i just being stupid

Once you beat the game, the main menu has "..." as an option to return to the alley. If you choose to play again, it won't completely reset game, but it will bring you back to the point before you started endgame segments - so right before ending 36. That way people could replay the other endings without losing the ability to skip already seen dialogue/lines. It doesn't erase saves from when you played those final endings, but it removes them from the Endings menu.

So what you're seeing is normal!

How does this game get better and better!?!?! Some of these endings really resonated with me.

my toxic trait is despite being aware that IT is meant to symbolize an abuser the way it begged mc to not leave towards the end made me REALLY NOT WANT TO LEAVE :((( Especially the way it got angry when mc tried to say that IT didnt love them… heart

awesome game, will replay until i probably memorize all the lines

Thank you so much for playing through to the end! I'm glad you enjoyed the game!


OH MY GOODNESSS!! I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I downloaded the game. When I saw the title my first reaction was "why? I wanna take home the kitty D:" and then I was done for afterward. Played the game and realized why that was a horrible idea.. Loved making the same mistake of going back to take the kitty home LMAO. Overall loved the game, loved the concept, and loved how cutely deceiving the little fella was. 


Thank you very much for trying out the game!


the most enjoyable hell ive ever experienced, the best game ive ever played, it took me and a friend 7 hours to complete, i work in 4 hours, its 3 am, i live an hour away. 
Thank you, please make everything you possibly can.
":)" -Friend

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you and your friend enjoyed the game!


as a perrrfeshonal cat lover i would infact bring IT home 9/9 lives


I think IT would be purr-fectly happy with that! OwO

10/10! I’m really impressed with the game narrative. Although I feel bad for the cat, a part of me don’t because of what he did.

Thank you very much! 

I understand that feeling. Fantastical as the story is, these kinds situations in real life leave people with very complicated feelings in the aftermath.

(1 edit)

OKAY but consider: it's just a little guy tho 

A wee little guy? My one weakness!! D:

wee wittle fella

VERY GOOD 10/10, I really feel bad for the cat, it was REALLY a part of us


Thank you so much!

Ahh, this game made me cry so much. The final ending hit really close to home for me, but not in a bad way! In fact I think it healed me just a bit :') This was a terrifying and interesting game to play, I had a lot of fun getting all the endings <3 Thank you for creating such a wonderful game.

Thank you very much! I'm always happy to hear that the game and its story resonates with people in a positive way!


Dang the endings just get better the more I play. I love IT! 

Your reaction gameplays are always fun to watch! I'm glad you're enjoying the game so far!

Thanks for making an incredible game!

I cant play it help it says 'this computer is using software rendering its graphics drivers may be out of date or not operating correctly." when i try to run it everytime

You might have to update your computer's video or graphics driver. Hope that helps!


This is from far the best game I've ever played on this plataform

Thank you so much! That's very kind of you to say!


tbh chilling with "IT" would be such a vibe


it would not take long for you to be Taken

(1 edit)


For Linux Mint/any "flavor" of Ubuntu

Firstly, download and extract game (duh) to downloads folder

Secondly, open terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T)

Now type in "cd ~/Downloads/DoNOTTakeThisCatHome-1.0-pc" (without the quotes.)

Then type "chmod +x" (This makes the shell file executable.)

Finally, to execute, type "./" ( you may also type "./DoNOT" and press tab.)

Reply if there is any trouble!

Deleted 129 days ago

I appreciate you posting this! Thank you!

yw :)

Who knew this would become a weekly series lol Fantastic game highly recommend to all!  I don't want to spoil anything but the new cinema ending really got to me so so creepy!

great game but why are the TW as long as a shopping list?

played game, understand why now.


this CHOMPing thing is getting a bit annoying..

The persist thing was a bit cheesy but this is a very good game 👍

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

bro answered his own question lol


I need this to be available for Android aaaaaaa! 

I really enjoyed your game! It’s both cute and scary, which I loved.

Could I have your permission to translate the game into Korean? I think many Korean players would enjoy it as much as I did.

Thank you for creating this amazing game!

I'm not able to hire a translator at the moment, so it wouldn't be fair of me to ask officially. But if you really want to, then I wouldn't mind at all! It'd be nice to see other people react to the game and story!

And thank you very much for playing!

Thank you very much for your response! I understand completely. I'm doing the translation purely out of personal interest and passion for the game. I would love to help more people enjoy your game and its story as much as I have.

Thanks again!


woohoo! I finished the game in over 2 hours and oh my gosh... I was absolutely blown away by how detailed this game is! And the fact that it's free too... you've done an absolutely amazing job!!!!!


the entire i was playing, I was trying to look for symbolism or reasons for what IT is, and after playing through all the endings, here is my take on the game:

the MC is portrayed throughout the game as lonely, riddled with social anxiety, and maybe even depressed. they're insecure and often down in the dumps, things only changing when they hear someone something call out to them, IT.

IT is a mystery. IT says they love us, yet we die over 30 times in different ways linked back to IT. sure, there are some endings where they show 'kindness' to us, such as the dog park ending where IT warns us to leave, and if we don't, we end up dying. but IT is in control of the universe and thus it wasn't the dog who killed us, it was IT.  despite that, IT is also kind as times. in one of the endings, the MC talks to IT about how lonely they feel, and IT comforts them. ofc the MC ends up sleeping next to them forever, but it's one of the more wholesome endings.

i believe that IT symbolizes an abuser, while the MC is the victim. just how MC felt a 'calling' to IT, in real life, abusers will often seek out 'prey' in order to fulfill their sick and twisted fantasies. and once they entrap the MC in a relationship with them, they won't let go. sure, at times they can seem 'cute' or 'innocent-looking' or even 'kind' in order to entice their victim to stay, but it will always end in the victim being harmed one way or another, just like how the MC is in most of the endings. 

when MC finally 'kills' IT, only for IT to come back, i believe it represents how a victim may try to forget about their experiences, go to therapy, etc, but they will always live with the trauma they went through. 

thus, they can either drown in their trauma and misery (just like in the 'join IT ending') alongside their abuser's other victims, or they can fight for a better future where they don't think about what's happened to them all the time. 

hence, in the true ending, MC says that they rarely think about IT or the things they've gone through anymore. and at the end, it's shown that they've even taken in a little black kitten that looks incredibly similar to IT, though not completely the same (scar on its right eye, green eyes). i believe this represents how MC has finally accepted their trauma, and is willing to take risks again and open up to other people (or animals). 

also, when MC questions IT about what they mean by 'daydreaming', i believe that represents either how victims daydream about what they could've done differently to prevent what happened to them, or how some victims, in order to cope with their trauma, reimagine the abuse happening to them again and again. for example, some SA survivors imagine themselves having a relationship with their assaulter in order to feel like they have some control, and if they're in a relationship with this person, then surely what happened to them isn't so bad. 

but of course, this is all my speculation! i'd love to hear the creator's thoughts on my comment and what their actual intentions were, but once again, brilliant job! one of the best games i've played on for sure <3


I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on the game's story and meaning, and they're pretty spot on! I don't remember seeing anyone else make the connection of the significance of MC taking in a kitten that looks similar to IT -- and how it shows that they're at a point where they're willing to take the risk to open up to new relationships.

The daydreaming was also pretty much what I had mind: The MC had been trying to imagine ways in which their encounter with IT could've turned out better. Better if they'd left IT alone, or better if they'd done something different when taking IT home -- anything at all to make the situation they'd found their self in better. But of course IT wasn't willing to let go of them so easily.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and for playing the game!


woohoo! I'm so happy that my interpretation of the lore was pretty accurate! ^__^  this game is an absolute gem, thank you for making it!


this game was so fun and  loved how the endings are so unique 


Thank you very much!

Deleted 118 days ago

Thank you for your kind words and for playing to the end! I'm glad you enjoyed the game and its story too!


ohh dude, i love these! really brings me back the old times with the concept of fever dreams. all endings are SO SPOT ON!! (i got all of them <3)


Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed all the endings!

(1 edit) (+2)

THIS GAME IS SO GOOD! my toxic trait is i finished it in 4 hours and would still take i t the cat home, don't really see how its different from a normal cat tbh

Thank you very much!


I freaking love this game! So so good (still worth taking the cat home so far...)

Thank you so much! Glad to see you picked up the game again!

hi, how do i start the game? i downloaded the files but idk how to start it. pls help me!!

Sorry this is so late! 

Once you download the files, extract them and then the game application will read: DoNOTTakeThisCatHome

Double-click that to start the game


what are you? my mom?/j

(1 edit)

I have a question? is the protagonist Male Or Female, What are their hobbies, I could use this Info For my fan fictions! and btw I'm giving these ideas for you! So maybe you could use this! But anyway! Back to questions what are their favorite color, singer, food? 


Neat story idea! The MC is meant to be mostly a blank slate for the reader to slip in so I made sure there weren't that many personal details about them, not even a gender -- just that they were a socially anxious, depressed and lonely introvert.

Alright thank you!

Remember that old fan fiction? Well I made a part 2! If you need to remeber btw you basically save the cat from evil corruption and there are a ton of evil "other worldly Beasts" out there here it is- MC:*You wake up in the alley With the cats Laying on you, Ever since you've adopted it it's always been pretty weird, And the kitten with green eyes isn't named yet* *you decide to go out to your home, besides why are you here?* MC:Come on Cats! your legs won't move themselves! *chuckles him/herself* *They move with a purr* *They walk across the dog park* MC:Ugh You know? I don't really like dogs anymore.. I feel like. They're brain dead Animals eh? But we should get goin-... *A weird dog with the same corruption and fierce yellow glowing eyes Stares in the distance* MC:RUN! ugh I wish IT could still talk I shouldn't have saved It... *Thinks* No! I shouldn't think that it was just a poor cat.. *At the hotel* Safety? The End? 

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